Tax-deductible donations

If you live in the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom, you are able to support SSE through tax-deductible donations.

Make a tax-deductible donation


As a US resident, you can support SSE through the American Friends of SSE. SSE Alumni USA Inc. (American Friends of SSE) is a non-profit organization for alumni, friends and supporters of SSE who are located in the United States.

If you are interested in supporting SSE through the AFSSE, you can either donate online via PayPal or you can mail a check to: 

SSE Alumni USA Inc., 37 Park Place, Brooklyn, NY, USA 11217

NYC push


As a UK resident, you can make a donation to SSE through the UK Friends of SSE. The UKFSSE is a charitable organization working closely with the Stockholm School of Economics. Your gift to the UKFSSE will be tax-deductible and eligible for Gift Aid.

If you are interested in supporting SSE through the UKFSSE, you can either donate online via the platform Just Giving or you can download this form and send to info@ukfriendsofsse.org.uk.
