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UK Friends of SSE

The UK Friends of SSE is a charitable organization which will work closely with SSE to provide opportunities to engage and support the Stockholm School of Economics.

As a UK resident, you can make a tax-deductible donation through the UKFSSE on the platform . Should you have any issues, please contact alexandra.piatidis@hhs.se or info@ukfriendsofsse.org.uk for support.

Should you want to donate via cheque, please see the green box at the bottom of the page to learn more.



The UK Friends of SSE is a charitable organization which will work closely with the Stockholm School of Economics to provide opportunities to engage and support the alumni network, educational activities and research at the School. 

The UK Friends of SSE’s objectives are to:

  • Provide career support, lectures, seminars, and networking events to alumni living in the UK.
  • Encourage alumni engagement, through event attendance, volunteerism and philanthropy. 
  • Facilitate charitable contributions from the UK to SSE.

Support SSE through the UKFSSE

The UK Friends of SSE is a charitable organization working closely with the Stockholm School of Economics. Your gift to the UKFSSE will be tax-deductible and eligible for Gift Aid.

If interested in donating via cheque, please download and fill out this form and send to info@ukfriendsofsse.org.uk.

If you have any questions or would like to speak about your support, please contact bobby.lundqvist@hhs.se.