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Application & admission


Step 1: Voluntary topic draft application (deadline: May 31, 2025)

The draft shall be written in English and​ include:

  • Description of motivation on one or more topics (no more than half a page). This is to help you begin thinking about and developing your project over the summer. Feedback will be given by the current GELS fellows and GELS alumni.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Step 2: Voluntary application draft (deadline: October 7, 2025)

The draft shall be written in English and​ include:

  • Description of the project (up to o​ne page)
Your application draft named projectcountry.initials.plan should be emailed (all documents combined into ONE SINGLE word or pdf file) to David Graf (50960@student.hhs.se).
Turned in application drafts will be assessed by previous GELS scholarship holders and will be given feedback ASAP. The Feedback will concern the eligibility of the project idea and the application. Since the feedback process is continuous, the earlier you send in your draft application the more time you will have to improve your application after being informed about its eligibility. Please note that the draft application is voluntary and will not be considered in the final assessment of applications by the President. 

Step 3: Final application (deadline: November 7, 2025)

The application shall be written in English and include:
  • Your reasons for applying to the GELS scholarship, including the reasons behind the topic chosen and how that relates to your studies at SSE 
  • An elaborated motivation on what skills and experiences the project will provide, and how they are relevant for your future
  • A detailed description of the project, including background description, goals and objectives​
  • A detailed project plan including methodology and time plan
  • A preliminary budget
  • CV
  • Grade transcript updated with the fall term courses
  • A summary of the application comprising budget and a short description of project (maximum 1 page)
An electronic copy of the application, all documents in ONE SINGLE file (word​/PDF), named Projectcountry.inititals.application (example: Sweden.AABB.application), should be emailed to ²õ³¦³ó´Ç±ô²¹°ù²õ³ó¾±±è²õ°ª³ó³ó²õ.²õ±ð​.
The selection of the GELS scholar(s) is taken by the SSE President, Lars Strannegård. To help complement and clarify submitted written applications, a selection of applicants are interviewed by earlier GELS scholars prior to the President's decision. The President's selection is based on the application with inputs from the interviews conducted by GELS alumni.

Please check the terms and guidelines below before you apply.


  • ​​The scholarship intends to strengthen students at SSE in their personal development through planning and implementing an international project of some kind. The individual and his/her development is the primary focus and the project is a means to achieve that goal.

  • The scholarship provides the opportunity for a practical complement to the studies and contributes to the fellow/fellows' personal development and future career and thus make her/him into a better SSE graduate. 

  • The project should relate to and be relevant for the theoretical education offered at SSE. However, the project should not itself be theoretical but mainly practical.

  • The GELS scholarship does not fund: university studies, language courses, essay writing or internships.

  • The project is to be carried out in one country outside of Sweden.

  • The choice of country should be secondary. GELS offer an experience in a different environment, but it is not the environment that is meant to be studied. The project should be carried out in a country where the insights could be expected to be most rewarding.

  • ​The project should be planned to be implemented during the year for which the scholarship is granted and must be completed within 18 months from the grant.​

  • The candidate must clearly demonstrate that he/she is interested to actively contribute to the future of the scholarship and the GELS network.

  • The applicant must be a BSc student from Stockholm School of Economics, having completed at least two years of study when the project is implemented. Students having completed less than two years can be considered in special cases. Third year BSc students who will continue to the MSc level at SSE and those with at least one year of studies left at the MSc programs can also be considered in special cases.​ Please note that you have to be physically present at SSE for the final year of MSc studies in order to promote the program for the next application cycle.

  • The candidates can apply alone or in pair of two in which case both applicants must fulfil the requirements above. 

  • The maximum amount that can be granted is SEK 100,000.