Incoming exchange students
The Education Office administrates the exchange program and assists students and their coordinators before, throughout and after the exchange period.
Here you will find useful information about studying at SSE and living in Stockholm.
Please note that we are unable to host free movers.
Academic Calendar
SSE has two terms, Fall and Spring, every academic year. Please check the Academic Calendar 2025-2026 if you want to have more information regarding the exact dates and terms.
The semester is divided into two study periods, each of them ending with an exam week. One semester of full time studies corresponds to 30 credits (ECTS).
Nominated students see the menu on the right ("Nominated students") to read more.
- Exchange BSc in Business & Economics - courses offered
- Exchange MSc in Business & Economics - courses offered
You are only allowed to register for two courses per period, three if one of them is a language course. If you wish to add a third course (which is not a language course) you will have to send an email to the exchange program managers.
Students enrolled in a 3-year Bachelor's program at their home university are welcome to follow 3-digit courses from the 3rd year of the Bachelor's Program. Remember to check the exam schedule and the language of instruction; since these courses are part of the SSE Bachelor's program, the exam schedule might differ slightly from the Master's program and some of the courses are given in Swedish only.
Students enrolled in a 4-year undergraduate program and are on their 4th year of studies at their home university, they might be able to follow courses at SSE on both BSc and MSc level.
Master students can follow all courses with a 4 digit number as well as courses from the 3rd year of the Bachelor's program, if the home school gives its permission.
The educational programs at Stockholm School of Economics are based on research and stress a theoretical and analytical approach. Since the School’s foundation, Economics has occupied a stronger position in the curriculum than at most business schools.
The teaching methodology is a mixture of American and European teaching methods and theories. Some courses are characterized by more traditional teaching, with lectures, written course assignments and seminars.
In other courses the teaching is to a great extent based on cases; active participation in class is expected and contributes to the final grade. Many of the courses require substantial preparatory reading.
The contacts between students and faculty members are rather informal at SSE. Feel free to contact your professors if you have any questions regarding the courses you are taking.
As an exchange student you study under the same conditions as the Swedish students. You may find that the structure of the SSE exams differs from those at your home university and therefore it is advisable to review past papers before taking your first exam.
Cost of Living
The following is a feasible monthly budget:
5,000 – 9,000 SEK
3,000 SEK
300 SEK
2,000 SEK
Local Transportation
650 SEK
10.950 - 14.950 SEK
Exchange students have so far been exempt from the otherwise compulsory Student Association fees. Note that you will have to pay for the course literature, i. e. books, compendiums etc.