Program structure
Semester 1
Semester 2 - Choose electives
During the first semester, the focus is on the theory and empirical methods of economics. The courses are designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of state-of-the-art models and techniques used in economic analysis.
In the second semester, focus shifts to applications and extensions. This part builds on the skills acquired during the first semester, and broadens and deepens your knowledge of economics.
You can choose to take elective courses in economics or from other Master programs. However, to fulfill the degree requirements, you must take at least three core elective courses in economics from the list below.
Semester 3 and 4
Thesis and choose between
- Sustainability Track
- Data Analytics Track
- XTM: Executive Trainee Module
- Electives at SSE (including courses from other SSE Master programs)
- Electives within the Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM)
- Electives and seminars within CIVICA
- CEMS Master in International Management (MIM)
- Exchange Program
- Wallenberg International Fellows Program (WIFP)
- MSc - PhD Parallel Enrollment
The second year of the Master program is devoted to taking more courses (30 ECTS) and writing the Master thesis (30 ECTS). You can either continue taking courses in economics, or you choose courses from any other Master program at SSE.
Second-year MSc in Economics students also have the possibility, with some caveats, to take first-year PhD economics courses as part of their degree to count as elective courses.
Additionally, you have the possibility to apply for a semester abroad at one of our partner universities or work as trainee at one of our corporate partners which are involved in the Executive Trainee Module (XTM).
An overview of all MSc program components of the second year are listed here.
Please keep in mind that this landing page lists all available program components on the MSc level. Have a look at the list above to find out what options you may choose from when you are enrolled in this particular MSc program.
Double degree programs
The Master program in Economics also offers exciting double degree programs with the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), Sciences Po in Paris (France) and CEMS. Read more here!
Please note that the offering of electives is subject to change.