I'm an international student applying with final grades (gap year student)
International application round opens
October 15, 2024
Early bird application deadline (only for students with a complete diploma who do not apply with predicted grades)
November 3, 2024
Please note: To apply as an early bird applicant, you need to have a university admission test score (SAT or ACT) at the very latest in mid-November, 2024.
Early bird digital interviews
November 15-21, 2024 (invitations to the interview sent out on November 15, 2024)
Early bird notification of selection results
December 19, 2024
Please note: if you are not admitted as an early bird applicant, you will still keep your spot in the main application round with a chance to be admitted later.
International application round closes
January 15, 2025
Please note that you need to start by submitting your application to .
After that, you need to add some information and documents on .
Early bird applicants only: last day to accept your offer
February 3, 2025
Deadline for supporting documentation (test scores and transcripts)
February 3, 2025
For non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens only: deadline for application fee to UniversityAdmissions.se ()
February 3, 2025
Digital Interview invitation (if you are selected to the next round)
Please note: everyone will be informed, also if you are not selected
February 18, 2025
Digital Interviews
February 18-23, 2025
Notification of Selection Results
April 3, 2025
Last date to reply to your offer
May 1, 2025
For non-EU/EEA/Swiss/Ukrainian citizens only: deadline for first tuition fee installment (if relevant, read more here)
June 1, 2025
Autumn semester starts
August 25, 2025
Please note that we do not accept late applications.
application requirements
SSE has a holistic approach to the application process. Three areas are assessed:
Upper secondary / high school / IB diploma (you may apply with predicted grades)
University admission test (SAT or ACT or ITB-Business)
First of all, make sure that you meet the above mentioned application requirements. Then follow these 5 steps:
1. Start your application on UniversityAdmissions.se (deadline: January 15, 2025)
Submit your application to  You can apply from October 15, 2024 to January 15, 2025.
All documents relating to your high school studies should be uploaded with your application including your grades (or predicted grades if you are in your final year of studies - see application requirements above). you find more information about the required documents that must be uploaded. Also make sure to read through the instructions for international Bachelor’s applicants .
All applicants can upload supporting documents themselves at their account with UniversityAdmissions.se But if your school doesn’t want to give the predicted grades directly to you as a student, the school can e-mail them directly to UniversityAdmissions (UHR) to verifications@uhr.se and write your application number in the email.
It is UniversityAdmissions.se that assesses your qualifications, once you have submitted an application. 
Please note: only upload diploma/transcripts and English test results to UniversityAdmissions.se. Do NOT upload CV/resume or SAT/ACT/TSA results. This is done directly to SSE when you submit application #2 (see next step).
Application fee
Please note: SSE does not charge an application fee. However, UniversityAdmissions.se charges a small application fee of SEK 900 depending on which citizenship you have. In general, only individuals who are citizens of countries outside of EU/EEA/Switzerland are required to pay an application fee. There are however some exceptions to this general rule. Find out if you are required to pay an application fee or not .
Tuition fee
In general, only individuals who are citizens of countries outside of EU/EEA/Switzerland are required to pay tuition fees. At SSE, we also have a special tuition fee exception for Ukrainian citizens that do not need to pay a tuition fee during their entire study time starting with the 2025 intake.
Find out if you are required to pay a tuition fee or not .
You can also find out more in detail about SSE's tuition fees and scholarships on this page.
Please note: If you are required to pay an application fee, UniversityAdmissions must have received the money no later than February 3, 2025. Find more information on how to pay your application fee .
2. Finish your application in SSE's own application portal (deadline January 15, 2025)
IMPORTANT: Except for the general application you do on UniversityAdmissions.se, you will need to finish your application by adding some information and documents on SSE's own application portal Full Fabric no later than January 15, 2025.
Go to SSE’s own application portal to submit your application. Fill in the form (please note that if you apply to both programs, you must fill in two separate forms - one for each program!). Upload your CV/resume as a separate document as well as your SAT or ACT results.
We do not accept these documents uploaded at UniversityAdmissions.se nor sent to us by email.
Please note: even if you need to submit your application on SSE's application portal before January 15, you still have until February 3 to send us supporting documentation such as SAT/ACT scores.
Interested in a scholarship (tuition fee waiver)?
For non-EU/EEA/Swiss/Ukrainian citizens who do need to pay a tuition fee, SSE offers several 50 % tuition fee waiver scholarships.
The application for a scholarship is submitted under the tab "Scholarships" when you apply to our Bachelor programs in Full Fabric. Please note that your application for the scholarships is not going to have an impact on your application for the program.
Scholarships are distributed on a merit and need basis. All scholarship applications are assessed by a selection committee, taking into consideration the relevance and the quality of the personal motivation, academic excellence, relevant extra-curricular activities, program cohort diversity and the distribution of scholarships across all programs.
3. Respond to any requests by SSE and keep track of messages from UniversityAdmissions.se
If any additional steps are required related to your application, our BSc Admissions Team will notify you. Please note, however, SSE will not comment on your qualifications as this is conducted by UniversityAdmissions.se.
Please note: when you apply with predicted grades, you might receive communication from UniversityAdmissions.se stating that you have an incomplete application. The reason is that most Swedish universities do not accept predicted grades and the information is not always aligned with SSE's specific application process. However, SSE does indeed accept predicted grades. If you are uncertain about any information you have received, please contact us at bsc.admissions@hhs.se.
4. Digital interview
If you are selected to proceed to the next round, we will send out invitations to the digital (online) interviews on February 18, 2025. The interview can be done February 18 - February 23, 2025.
5. Accept your offer
If you are an early bird applicant who applied before November 3, 2024, you will be notified if you are admitted on December 19, 2024. If you are admitted, you will need to reply to your offer before February 3, 2025.
Non-early bird applicants
Recommended step: check out housing options
Are you interested in getting help with student housing? SSE offers some apartments directly through SSE and we can also assist you in getting housing from other student housing providers in Stockholm. Find out more here.