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SSE Gunnar Hedlund Award

The SSE Gunnar Hedlund Award is a prize for the best Ph.D. thesis in the field of International Business. 

The SSE Gunnar Hedlund Award, 2023-2025

In 1997, the Institute of International Business at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) established the award in memory of SSE Professor Gunnar Hedlund. The idea behind the award is that it should act as a vehicle to stimulate Ph.D. candidates around the world in the field of International Business, and also commemorate Professor Gunnar Hedlund’s important work in the field.

The award is administered by the Stockholm School of Economics, in collaboration with The European International Business Academy (EIBA). The winner receives a medal, a diploma and €10.000, and is announced bi-annually at the Annual Meeting of the European International Business Academy in December.

Winner 2021-2023

Khadija van der Straaten, University of Amsterdam.

Award ceremony of the Gunnar Hedlund Award 2021-2023

This year's award was presented by the Chairman of the Gunnar Hedlund Award Faculty Committee, Professor Udo Zander, at the 49th EIBA Conference in Lisabon to this year's winner Khadija van der Straaten, University of Amsterdam.
Thesis title: “Inequality of Opportunities in Multinational Enterprises”.

The Jury Members evaluating the dissertations submitted for the Gunnar Hedlund Award 2021-2023 were:


Kazuhiro Asakawa,  Professor of Global Innovation Management, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio, Japan.

Julian Birkinshaw, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship,  London Business School, UK.

Peter J Buckley, Professor of International Business, University of Leeds, UK.

Rebecca Piekkari, Professor of International Business, Aalto University, Finland.

Eleanor Westney Professor, Global Economics and Management, Emerita, York University, Canada.

Udo Zander, Professor of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden  (Chairman, not voting)

Submissions for the 2023-2025 Prize

To be eligible for the 2023-2025 SSE Gunnar Hedlund Award, the doctoral dissertation (written in English) must have been completed within the time frame of 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2025. Submissions are welcome at any time, but have to be sent in before August 1, 2025, in order to be considered for the 2023-2025 prize. (Submissions after that date will be considered for the next prize.)

One full copy of the dissertation (one paper version and one digital version) and a 10-page anonymized abstract (digital version), following the format described below, must be submitted to the address below. The finalists will be asked to present their work at the EIBA annual conference in December 2025 in Athens. A stipend will be awarded to each of the 3-4 finalists to partly cover travel expenses and conference registration.

Requirements for the abstract

The abstract should be maximum 10 pages, 1.5-line-spaced, and anonymized, i.e. the first page should only contain the thesis title. In order for the application to be considered, the abstract must include the following:

  • cover page with the name of the thesis only (1 page);
  • summary of the research problem addressed by the dissertation, including the specific purpose/s and research question/s (1 page);
  • concise overview of the relevant literature (1-2 pages);
  • summary of the research method used, including a description of the research design, data, and the method of analysis (1-2 pages );
  • the main findings and results (1-2 pages); and
  • a statement of implications for international business theory and practice (2-3 pages).

Evaluation criteria and selection

A jury of leading international business scholars will decide on the winner. The jury is chaired by Professor Udo Zander and the prize will be awarded to the work that in the opinion of the jury has the greatest potential to have an impact on the field of international business in the future. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are appropriate. Emphasis, in the spirit of Professor Gunnar Hedlund, will be put on intellectual boldness, creativity and originality.

Submission and administrative enquiries

Please send submissions and enquiries to:

Stockholm School of Economics
SSE Gunnar Hedlund Award Committee
Attn. Ms. Katarina Ahlström
P.O. Box 6501
SE-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)72-071 62 01
E-mail: katarina.ahlstrom@hhs.se