Venture Capital Network
We have the privilege of receiving requests from investors frequently, which allows us to choose to only work with the investors we believe would add value to the startups and the network.
Therefore, the Venture Capital Network of funds and foundations is a highly curated list and exclusive network for approved investors. To become a part of the list, you can apply through the survey below.
Venture Capital Network (prev. Preferred Investor Partners)
As a part of the Venture Capital Network at SSE Business Lab, you get to meet our startups on a continuous basis in more qualitative contexts and are invited to all closed events where we facilitate relationship-building. You are thereby a preferred partner in the investor network, and we prioritize you as a member of the network.
To be eligible as a part of the Venture Capital Network, you 1) are a large firm with a high investment rate, 2) have at least one female partner or member of the investment committee at the firm, and 3) don't charge a fixed fee for your services (success fee is accepted).
The first criterion is to increase the likelihood of the startups meeting investors that are both willing and able to invest if there is a good match.
The second criterion is in line with the overall work of SSE Business Lab to encourage equality in the startup industry, by pushing its partners to improve their work. It has been shown that funds without female partners invest much less in female-founded startups, and we want to give equal opportunity to all our startups.
- The third criterion is meant to ensure that the startups don't pay for services that are provided through the programs already. Through the SSE Business Lab investor networks, the startups have access to enough capital without having to pay a fixed fee to access it (or even only the potential of it).
Out of the startups admitted to the SSE Business Lab programs in 2021, over 70% had at least one woman founder. More than 55% of the founder teams consisted of both women and men, and we are committed to coming as close to 100% as we can in the next 5 years. We encourage everyone to strive to do the same.
Investors who are not eligible as a part of the Venture Capital Network have the possibility to further engage with startups by supporting SSE Business Lab financially.
Get in touch with Elsa Giolito ( to hear more or send a request in the form below.
For more information regarding our own fund SSE Ventures, go here.
Some of the members in the Venture Capital Network