The Nobel Prize and SSE
awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2024 to Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson for .
On December 12, 2024, the laureates will visit SSE for a traditional Nobel discussion.
Students' Nobel Night Cap
Did you know that the official after party for the Nobel Banquet is organized by the students' associations at four different Stockholm universities taking turns? Every four years, the honor befalls the Student Association at SSE (SASSE), and in 2022 – and after two years of pandemic hiatus – the party was once again hosted at SSE. And this year's party was more impressive than ever: Laureates from 2020, 2021 and 2022 were invited, along with four times as many guests as in 1990.
The Economic Sciences Prize Committee
The Economic Sciences Prize Committee is responsible for the selection of candidates for the Prize in Economic Sciences. Tore Ellingsen, Professor of Economics, is the former Chair and Per Strömberg, Professor of Finance at SSE, was a member of the Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. They are both able to provide insights into the process of selecting a Nobel prize winner.
Tore Ellingsen
Professor of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics
Tore Ellingsen holds the Ragnar Söderberg Chair in Economics. He is also Chair of the Social Sciences Class at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and an adjunct professor at Norwegian School of Economics in his hometown, Bergen.
Per Strömberg
Professor of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics
Per Strömberg is the SSE Centennial Professor of Finance and Private Equity at the Stockholm School of Economics. He is also Adjunct Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.