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Bertil Ohlin by Henrik Ekesiöö

April 23 2024, the very day 125 years after Bertil Ohlin was born, we inaugurated the sculpture of SSE’s Nobel laureate (1977) professor Bertil Ohlin by Henrik Ekesiöö.

The sculpture of Bertil Ohlin stands outside the school´s mainbuilding´s south-west corner, on Bertil Ohlins gata. It is made by the artist Henrik Ekesiöö (to the left) and donated by Bertil Ohlin´s son Tomas Ohlin (to the right).

Bertil Ohlin (23 April 1899 – 3 August 1979) was a Swedish economist and politician. He was a professor of economics at Stockholm School of Economics from 1929 to 1965 and the leader of Folkpartiet from 1944 to 1967.

Ohlin’s name lives on in the mathematical model of international free trade, the Heckscher–Ohlin model, which he developed together with Eli Heckscher.

Bertil Ohlin was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1977 together with the British economist James Meade ”for their pathbreaking contribution to the theory of international trade and international capital movements.