Magasin <3 Stockholm School of Economics
During 2013-2014 Magasin 3 and SSE joined forces in a collaboration where nine prominent video based artworks from the collection of Magasin 3 were showed in the SSE´s atrium. Central for this initiative was the aspiration to convey the experimental and groundbreaking way of seeing which these works represent.
Brontosaurus by Sam Taylor-Johnson
â€â€¦if I could walk anywhere, where would I walk? And that brought me to the horizon line…Just to be able to balance there for a second was a way of bringing you to that point of desire.â€
- Janine Antoni
The program was introduced with the serie of Janine Antonis film Touch from 2002, a videoinstallation where the artist is balancing on a thin rope. The film is shot in a way which fools the eye to believe that she is actually walking on the horizon.
The invention of the camera has a special meaning when it comes to art history, and more specifically for female artists. Photojournalists and documentary photographers Dorothea Lange and Diane Arbus, avant-gardist film creators Maya Deren and Agnés Varda and groundbreaking videoartists Joan Jonas and Martha Rössler have all used the camera in order to accomplish something new. The serie that was screened in the atrium was a collection of videoart which was created by women who could be said to have followed the path outlined by these pioneers. These installations constitute in their own specific manner a subtle yet noticeable shift in perspective - they remold our way of seeing and questions our established norms and conventions.
This project aimed to convey Magasin 3’s as well as SSE’s conviction that art is a way of expression that continuously grows and enriches as it is viewed and challenged by a new audience, innew situations.
In conjunction to this exhibition there was also a symposium held on the subject â€World trade in a postcolonial eraâ€, please view â€Program†for more information regarding this. For more information regarding the specific artworks that were screened please see:
Curated by: Nina Øverli
Standing on a Watermelon in the Dead Sea by Sigalit Landau