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Frequently asked questions

Here you will find the answers to our most frequently asked questions by employers, who are interested in recruiting our students.

If you have additional qustions please don't hesitate to contact SSE's Career Management.

What jobs do your students look for?

SSE students are open to all kinds of different professional opportunities. There is no typical SSE job, but the most common type of job ads are internships and part-time jobs. 

Our last-year students are interested in full-time employment. They usually start looking in the fall or beginning of the year, depending on the recruitment cycle of the industry. 

Are SSE students available for internships?

Internships are very appreciated by our students. We advise the students not to do internships during the semester as it may interfere with their academic workload. You are also welcome to post part-time jobs.

When do students look for jobs?

MSc students start looking for summer internships as early as in September, peaking during October / November. Second-year MSc students will typically look for permanent positions during the same time but many will start their active search later and continue during the spring semester. 

BSc students will typically look for summer internships during early autumn in their second year and for permanent positions all through their third year. 

How do students apply?

Interested students can apply in three ways:

  1. Directly in the SSE career hub
  2. Via an external website of your choice
  3. To an email address of your choice

Have students approved for their personal data to be used in the application process?

Yes, all our students who have an account in the SSE career hub, have accepted the terms according to GDPR.

When can your students start working?

Graduations for both the MSc and BSc programs are in May / June, so in general students are available after that. However, this differs from student to student.

How much should I pay an intern?

We suggest you pay an intern the pro-rata equivalent of what you would pay a full-time employee doing a similar role. We do not approve job ads that offer no payment.  

Can I advertise an unpaid position in the SSE career hub?

We do not advertise unpaid job offers, instead we suggest you pay an intern the pro-rata equivalent of what you would pay a full-time employee doing a similar role. For ways to advertise unpaid opportunities, you can contact SASSE at bcpres@sasse.se.

Can you recommend individual students to my company?

We do not recommend individual students to recruiters. Instead, we advise you to consider working with the student association to arrange an on-campus event where you can get to know students first-hand.

To arrange on-campus events, you can contact the President of the Business Committee of SSE's student association SASSE at bcpres@sasse.se

Can I advertise opportunities to alumni?

Absolutely, many of our alumni have chosen to keep their account to the SSE Career Hub after they graduate. You can therefore advertise for positions that targets this group as well.