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Spagnolo, Giancarlo

Giancarlo Spagnolo is Professor of Economics at University of Rome II and Senior Researcher at SITE - Stockholm School of Economics, both since 2006. He is also a research fellow of CEPR, London; of ENCORE, Amsterdam; a scientific advisor of LEAR, Rome; and a recurrent vistior of EIEF, Rome. He holds an M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge (UK) and a Ph.D. from the Stockholm School of Economics, and was assistant professor at the University of Mannheim, Senior Economist at the Research Division of the Sveriges Riksbank, and founder and head of the Research Unit of the Italian Public Procurement Agency (Consip SpA). Giancarlo was a visiting scholar at the Haas Business School - Berkeley (in 2012-2013) and taught at the University of Arizona ā€“ Tucson (as a visiting professor). He published many widely quoted scientific articles in top international academic journals, and is co-editor and a main contributor of Cambridge University Pressā€™s Handbook of Procurement (recently translated in Russian). He is an internationally recognized authority on Antitrust, Public Procurement and Anti-corruption issues, and has been consulting on these topics for national and international institutions, including the World Bank, the European Parliament, the European Commission (DG Comp, DG EcFin and DG Markt) and several Antitrust and Procurement Authorities.