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Modig, Erik

Visiting Teacher

Erik Modig is assistant professor at the Department of Marketing and Strategy at Stockholm School of Economics. He finished his doctoral degree in 2012 at SSE.

Erik has been an appreciated teacher at SSE for over 10 years and in 2018 he was appointed Teacher of the Year by the students. He is currently the course director of the first marketing course (BE201) all SSE students takes. 


Erik Modig's research focuses on communication and how our knowledge of consumer psychology can increase the effectiveness of marketing communication (advertising, promotion and public relations) as well as the delivered value to the customer. One primary area of research is advertising creativity. His research answers questions about how consumers as well as professionals think and define advertising creativity. This research also highlights the positive effect advertising creativity has on several different measures of communication effectiveness. Together, this research stream offers new insights into advertising planning and design.

Erik also researches other various fields connected to consumer psychology, e.g. public relations, pricing, category management and information overload. The goal with this research is to offer a better understanding of how the human mind processes information and uses it in shaping attitudes and behaviors.

Doctoral Thesis - Understanding Advertising Creativity

Today advertisers face the challenge of securing advertising effectiveness by producing advertisement that gets the consumers’ attention and shape their attitudes and behavior. One suggested way to reach these objectives is creativity. Both advertising industry professionals, awards, effectiveness reports and research support this notion that what makes advertising effective is creative excellence. However, research has shown that advertising professionals seems to have little formalized understanding about how advertising creativity work and how it is defined and measured. Current research need to better understand the response to creative advertisements by documenting how advertising professionals and consumer assess and value creativity. By applying new perspectives and new theories this thesis investigate the effects advertising creativity has on consumers. The thesis reviews the academic research on advertising creativity and contributes with five articles to increase the understanding of advertising creativity and how perceptions of creativity influence advertising effectiveness. In so doing, it plays a part in advertisers understanding and use of advertising creativity.

Book - Värdet av konst

In september 2013 Erik published his book Värdet av konst (The value of art in swedish) together with journalist Karolina Modig. The book summarizes research about the positive effects art has on an individual, organisational and society level.



3. Modig, E. (March, 2015), Kontroll - kommunikation och kampen om våra tankar, Rheologica Publishing AB, Stockholm.

2. Modig, K. and Modig, E. (2013), Värdet av konst – för individ, näringsliv och samhälle, Rheologica Publishing AB, Stockholm.

1. Modig, E. (2012), “Understanding Advertising Creativity – how perceptions of creativity influences advertising effectiveness”, Doctoral dissertation, Stockholm School of Economics.

Articles & book chapters

7. Colliander, J., Dahlén, M. and Modig, E. (Forthcoming in International Journal of Advertising), "Twitter for two: Investigating the effects of tweeting with customers".

6. Rosengren, S., Modig, E. and Dahlén, M. (2014), ”More than Words - The value of ambient marketing from a consumer perspective.”, Journal of Marketing Communications

5. Modig, E. (2014), "Är detta något för mig? Om relevant reklam" i Söderlund, M. (Red.) Marknadsföring och dess påverkan på konsumenten", Studentlitteratur.

4. Modig, E. and Rosengren, S. (2014), "Can advertising creativity affect product perceptions and retailer evaluations?", Journal of Product & Brand Management, 23(6)."

3. Modig, E., Dahlén, M., and Colliander, J. (2014), “Consumer-perceived signals of “creative” versus “efficient” advertising: Investigating the roles of expense and effort.”, International Journal of Advertising, 33(1).

2. Modig, E. and Rosengren, S. (2013), ”More Than Price? Exploring the Effects of Creativity and Price in Advertising.”, Advances in Consumer Research, 41, 373-377

1. Rosengren, S., Dahlén, M., and Modig, E. (2013), “Think Outside the Ad: Can Advertising Creativity Benefit More Than the Advertiser?”, Journal of Advertising, 42(4), 320–330.

Teaching and lecturing

Erik has years of experience of teaching consumer psychology, advertising strategy and creativity within both the academic field and the corporate world. Erik is a popular teacher and a demanded speaker at organizations and conferences, where he holds lectures within the area of consumer psychology, marketing practice and creativity.