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Lena Lid Falkman 

Lena Lid Falkman was born 1971 in Värmland. She is a researcher and teacher at SSE since 1998. Her main research interest is communication, rhetoric and leadership.

Lena Lid Falkman has a master in business administration from Uppsala University, where she also studied rhetoric, history of ideas, pedagogy and social psychology. She has also studied rhetoric at College of Alameda and University of Iowa, USA. In 2009 she took her PhD in Business Administration on a dissertation that combines theories of rhetoric and leadership.

The dissertation has been awarded two international prizes, top five in the American Jablin Dissertation Award in Leadership Studies, and the best European thesis of the year in Business Administration, by EDAMBA in Europe.

Lid Falkman has since dissertation initiated and led several research projects, and recieved research funding in strong competition for these. She has focues the last years on how the digital revolution affects how leaders and co-workers cooperate. The project Office of the Future, financed by Vinnova, investigates Activity Based Workplaces. Then she has several projects around leadership on a distance, virtual teams, virtual meetings and social media, for example how social media can create political leadership.

Lid Falkman is teaching both at the bachelor- and masterprogrammes of SSE. She is also lecturing at Executive MBA programmes at SSE Executive Educations and is a part of the faculty for SSE Russia, where she teaches modules in Leadership Skills. Lena Lid Falkman is also freelancing externally as a writer and lecturer.

She is often invited to business conferences to present her research, as well as companies, insitutions and governmental agencies. Her blog lenalidfalkman.com was rewarded as the best blog during Almedalen 2011, and she competed in the finale of Researcher Grand Prix 2017, a competition about research communication. Lid Falkman regularly comments rhetoric and politic in media.



Madestam, Jenny och Lena Lid-Falkman (2017). Rhetorical Construction of Political Leadership in Social Media. Journal of Organizational Change Management. Vol 30 Iss 3.

Grafström, Maria och Lena Lid-Falkman (2017). Everyday narratives: CEO rhetoric on Twitter. Journal of Organizational Change Management. Vol 30 Issue 3.

Goldman Schuyler, K., Baugher, J. E., Jironet, K., & LID-FALKMAN, L., (2014) Leading with spirit, presence, and authenticity. A Volume in the International Leadership Association Series, Building Leadership Bridges. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.

Lid-Falkman, L., Lid-Falkman, T., (2014) Virtuella Möten. Lund: Liber Business.

Melina, L.R., Burgess, G., LID-FALKMAN, L. & Marturano, A. (2013). The embodiment of leadership. San Francisco: Jossey Bass/Wiley.

Barbour, J., Burgess, G., LID-FALKMAN, L. & McManus, R.M. (2012). Leading complex worlds. San Francisco: Jossey Bass/Wiley.

Att skriva som (någon) Annan, 2009, nr 41/42, year 11, RetorikMagasinet.

Ledarskapande Retorik - Dag Hammarskjöld och FN:s övriga generalsekreterare som scen för karisma, dygder och ledarideal, 2009, Stockholm: EFI.

The rhetorical dimension, 2001, (with Johan Stein) in Invisible Management – The Social Construction of Leadership, Sjöstrand S-E, Sandberg J & Tyrstrup M (ed), London:Thomson.

Makt, ledarskap och retorik, 2000, in Talandets lust och vånda – Tänkt och talat om språk och kommunikation, Backlund B (ed), Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Retorik och ledarskap, 1999, (with Johan Stein) in ”Osynlig företagsledning”, Sjöstrand S-E, Sandberg J & Tyrstrup M (ed), Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Management by video, 1999, nr 4 year 1, RetorikMagasinet.