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Lerpold, Lin

Associate Professor

Dr. Lerpold is an Associate Professor at the SSE in the Dept of Marketing & Strategy. She is also Director for the SIR Center for Sustainability Research (CSR) and a Vice Director in the Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL). Lin serves on the BoD of the Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research and on the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS). She was the founding director of the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) and before that the Associate Dean for SSE MBA programs. Lin has been a Visiting Scholar at the LSE and INSEAD and previously served as the Vice Chair of the BoD of AP2 between 2019-2023 and BoD of the SSE between 2020-2022.

Dr. Lerpold teaches strategic corporate social responsibility and sustainability management in SSE degree programs and executive education. She is faculty responsible for the Sustainability Track in the SSE MSc programs. Lin was awarded the SSE Corporate Partners' Pedagogical Award 2023. Since 2016, Lin has consistently been nominated as one of the most influential in Sustainability Sweden (Aktuell Hållbarhet, 101 Hållbarhetsmäktiga) and in both 2017 and 2018 she was named as one of the most influential women in Swedish industry  (Veckans Affärer). Before and whilst completing her PhD at the Institute of International Business at the SSE, Lin worked 10 years in corporate strategy in an MNC.

Some publications:

Kazlou, Aliaksei, Lin Lerpold and Örjan Sjöberg (forthcoming 2024): “Trade unions, refugees and immigrant labour: has the attitude changed? The stance of Swedish blue-collar trade unions as evidenced by sentiment analysis”, Industrial Relations Journal.

Lin Lerpold & Örjan Sjöberg (2023), "Decoupling and redistribution in realising the Sustainable Development Goals" in Ranjula Bali Swain & Yongyi Min (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Interactions between the Sustainable Development Goals. Edward Elgar Publishing: 16-36.

Lin Lerpold, Örjan Sjöberg & Karl Wennberg (2023), "International migration and integration in a post-pandemic world: Socioeconomic opportunities and challenges", Palgrave Macmillen.

David Collste, Patrik Henriksson, Sebastien Akbik, Anne-Sophie Crépin, Carl Folke, Lin Lerpold, Emilie Lindkvist, Pernilla Malmer, Gay Ordenes, Juan Rocha, Caroline Schill and Maria Schultz (2022), “The co-evolving nature of inequality”, in Victor Galaz and David Collste (eds): . Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm: 20–24.

Crona, B., Eriksson, K., Lerpold, L., Malmström, M., Sanctuary, M. & Sandberg, J. (2021): “Transforming toward sustainability through financial markets: four challenges and how to turn them into opportunities”, One Earth 4 (5): 599–601.

Lerpold, L. & Nordbrand, S. (2021): “Sustainable value chains”, in T. Borglund, H. de Geer and S. Sweet (eds): CSR and Sustainable Business, 2nd edition. Sanoma Utbildning

Lerpold, L. (2021): “Migration and integration”, in T. Borglund, H. de Geer and S. Sweet (eds): CSR and Sustainable Business, 2nd edition. Sanoma Utbildning

Lerpold, L. & Sjöberg, Ö. (2021): “Urban advantage? Sustainable consumption and ontological cityism across the urban hierarchy”, in R. Bali Swain & S. Sweet (eds): Sustainable Consumption and Production, vol. 1: Challenges and Development. Palgrave Macmillan, London. 

Lerpold, L., Sjöberg, Ö. & Tang, W-S. (2021): “Urban advantage? Sustainability trade-offs across and within the intra-urban space”, in Ranjula Bali Swain & Susanne Sweet (eds): Sustainable Consumption and Production, vol. 1: Challenges and Development. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Lerpold, L. & Sjöberg, Ö. (2021): “Tourism as (un)sustainable production and consumption”, in R. Bali Swain & S. Sweet (eds): Sustainable Consumption and Production, vol. 2: Circular Economy and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Lerpold, L. & T. Brytting (2020): “The Sustainable Development Goals and corruption dilemmas”. International Chamber of Commerce Sweden, Stockholm, December.

Kallifatides, M. & L. Lerpold (2017): Sustainable Development and Business, (eds.). Stockholm School of Economics Institute of Research. 

Lerpold, L. & Zander, L. (2016): Making sense of changing hats: A study of the Nigeria, Vietnam, and Azerbaijan/Kazakhstan projects within the Norwegian Statoil and British BP Strategic alliance, Africa Journal of Management

Lerpold, L. (2012): The Contextualization of a Microfinance Model: From India to South Africa, Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(1): 117-128. 

Lerpold, L., Ravasi, D., Van Rekom, J. & Soenen, G. (2007): Organizational Identity in Practice. Routledge Publishing.