Hjelström, Tomas
I hold a PhD from the Stockholm School of Economics (Department of Accounting). My primary research interests are within behavioral aspects of financial accounting, particularly application of accounting standards, and financial analysis and valuation. I participated in the International Teachers’ Programme (ITP) at Stern Business School, New York, 1999/2000. I have been selected Teacher of Year 9 times at SSE Executive MBA and I was the first recipient of the SSE Corporate Partners' Pedagogical Prize.
Academic Publications
Hellman, N., Hjelström, T., (2023), “The goodwill impairment test under IFRS: Objective, effectiveness and alternative approaches”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, (52)
Hjelström, T., Kallunki, J-P., Nilsson, H., Tylaite, M. (2019), "Executives' Personal Tax Behavior and Corporate Tax Avoidance Consistency", European Accounting Review, vol 29 (3), pp. 493-520
Johansson, S-E.; Hjelström, T.; Hellman, N. (2016), ”Accounting for Goodwill under IFRS: A Critical Analysis”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, (27), pp. 13-25
Douglas, E., Carlsson-Wall, M., & Hjelstrom, T. (2014), “Negotiating equity share and management control of the entrepreneurial new venture”, Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, Vol 16, no 4, pp. 287-307
Hjelström, T. (2007), "The Closed-End Investment Company Premium Puzzle", EFI Stockholm, Doctoral dissertation
Hjelström, T., Isaksson, A., Nilsson, H. (2022), Företagsvärdering med fundamental analys, Studentlitteratur, 2nd edition
Other Publications
Hjelström, A., Hjelström, T. & Sjögren, E. (2014), Decision usefulness explored - An investigation of capital market actors´ use of financial reports. Stockholm: Confederation of Swedish Enterprise/Svenskt näringsliv
Carlsson-Wall, M., Eugster, F., Hjelström, T., Nilsson, H., (2021), ”Corporate Governance and Short-Termism: An In-Depth Analysis of Swedish Data”, submitted to the EU Commission in response to the Commission initiative on financing sustainable growth.
Current Working Papers
Christner, C. H., Hjelström, A., Hjelström, T., Sjögren, E., (2023), “Same, Same or Different? Comparability in the On-going Valuation of a Newly Listed Company”, second round Accounting, Organizations and Society, presented at several workshops and conferences among others in Leicester and EUFIN Florence.
Fredelind, J., Hellman, M., Hellman, N., Hjelström, T., (2021), "The Influence of Transaction Factors on Accounting Policy Choice: European Evidence on the IFRS 3 Options for Reporting Non-Controlling Interest”, 2nd round in Abacus
Henriksson-Rahm, P., Hjelström, T., Olsson, A., Sjögren, E., (2019), “Reflecting Reality or Shaping Reality? A Qualitative Case Study of the Intra-Organisational Interpretation and Mobilisation of IFRS 15”, working paper presented the EIASM workshop on Accounting and Regulation Siena 2019
Ecker. F., Hjelström, T., Olsson, P., Setterberg, H., (2015) "IFRS Adoption and Analysts' Earnings Adjustments"
Hjelström, A., Hjelström, T., Sjögren, E. (2014), "Through the Looking Glass: An Empirical Analysis of Capital Market Actors' Use of Financial Information"
Teaching MSc and BSc
Course Director and Lecturer: Banks: Understanding the Business and the Reports (3312), MSc in Business & Economics, specialization in Accounting, Valuation and Financial Management
Lecturer: Financial Reporting and Financial Markets (BE 352), BSc in Business & Economics, specialization in Accounting, Valuation and Financial Management
Lecturer: Accounting II: Analyzing Performance (BE 302), BSc in Business & Economics
Teacher of the Year Award Executive MBA, Stockholm School of Economics, during the period 2011-2022 (9 times award winner, twice one year)
Pedagogical Prize for Outstanding Pedagogical Achievements awarded by the Corporate Partners at the Stockholm School of Economics, 2018, First time the prize was awarded