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Prof Emer Sven-Erik Sjöstrand officially launched his most recent study and book “Ägarstyrning"

On Thursday March 30, Professor Emeritus at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, officially launched his most recent study and book “Ägarstyrning, en närstudie av ägarnas insatser och handlingsutrymmen i de stora svenska företagen”. The book was highlighted at a well-attended event in the aula followed by networking, drinks and light refreshments in the atrium.

The event attracted many prominent individuals from the Swedish business scene as well as from the academic sphere. Business leaders including Jacob Wallenberg, Carl-Johan Bonnier, Claes Dahlbäck, Fredrik Lundberg with daughters Louise Lindh and Katarina Martinson (who was on the panel), Claes Dinkelspiel, Bernt Magnusson and many more, attended the event at the Stockholm School of Economics.

As mentioned in Swedish financial newspaper Dagens Industri:
“During the presentation, the researcher stated that the Nordic model, which gives great power to the owners in combination with concentrated ownership, is a competitive advantage for the Swedish business life."

‘I believe we have a very good model, should be careful about it and watch out for other invasive species,’ said Professor Sven-Erik Sjöstrand.”

Sven-Erik Sjöstrand presented his study, which was followed by a panel discussion with distinguished business profiles, Carl Bennet (Getinge, Lifco, Arjo, Holmen, Elanders), Katarina Martinson (L E Lundberg, Husqvarna, Industrivärden, HHS, Indutrade) and Johan Forssell (Atlas Copco, EQT, HHS, Investor, Patricia Industries, Wärtsilä). The panel was moderated by Karl Wennberg, Professor, Head of House of Governance and Public Policy.  
“The attendance in the HHS auditorium from the leading actors in the Swedish business world was almost overwhelming. So was also the engagement during the subsequent mingle in the atrium where views on the thoughts on corporate governance that the panel and myself had put forward was discussed. It was obvious that the presented research on the function of ownership in large companies really had captured the participants' interest", says Professor Sven-Erik Sjöstrand.

The book “Ägarstyrning” contains both a description of what the business ownership looks like and how the owners/owner representatives reached their positions. All types of ownership/owner representation have been studied as well as what they want to achieve with their governance and what they bring to the companies. Furthermore, the focus is on which arenas, channels, and "tools" they use. The book also deals with the question of whether today's Swedish governance model should be changed, so that it could function better under the conditions that the next decade is expected to offer.

The book can be ordered at publications@hhs.se.

Read more about Sven-Erik Sjöstrand here

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