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PhD opportunity at the Garden - center for design & leadership

The House of Innovation (HOI) welcomes PhD applicants with a range of interests including, but not limited to, family business, entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems, AI from a social science perspective. We also have opportunities at the intersection between the disciplines of innovation, leadership and design.

In a world overcrowded by ideas, technologies and features, the key challenge for innovators today is not generating yet another brilliant idea. Instead, it’s about making sense of this abundance, finding new meaningful directions to navigate in this sea of opportunities.

Gamechanging innovations will be those that propose a new, better meaning to individuals, connection to their fundamental needs while adapting to a world that is in constant mutation. The search for new visions and meaning is the job of leaders, therefore today the innovation challenge is very much a leadership challenge!

Join Roberto Verganti and Mattia Bianchi, professors and curators of the Garden, in doing research about the development of novel leadership models that effectively identify and execute breakthrough innovation opportunities. How can innovative leaders transform products, organizations, and society into a new direction that is more meaningful?

At the Garden, we have a preliminary answer: through design! Far from being only concerned with the look and feel of products, design is ultimately about making sense of things. It's a discipline that, in reflecting about meaning, has developed principles, methods and tools to successfully address the innovation and leadership.

For more details, please contact Prof Mattia Bianchi at mattia.bianchi@hhs.se

For details relating to the SSE's PhD program and application process.


House of Innovation