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New SSE collaborative innovation project for public sector governance: SustainGov

Karl Wennberg at the Department of Management and Organization and House of Governance and Public Policy (GaPP) have together with Professor Ali Ahmed (Linköping University) and PhD Eva Uddén Sonnegård (Ratio) obtained a grant from Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency. Attached to the project as a strategic advisor is also Louise Bringselius, research fellow at GaPP. The project takes place in collaboration with several other Swedish universities and authorities within the SustainGov consortium to shape the next generation of Swedish Strategic Innovation Programs (SIPs). Up to five new programs are expected to receive funding at the end of 2023, running for a maximum period of 10 years. SustainGov aims to be one of these projects.

The starting point for SustainGov is that the way in which we govern and lead the public sector today involves systemic problems that limit the transition to sustainability and the possibility of achieving the goals in Agenda 2030. Too often there are deficiencies in coordination across public authorities that prohibits society’s ability to address complex social problems. Too many people, firms ​​and processes fall between "silos" in the public decision-making systems.

In order to bring about a transition to a more sustainable society that is also inclusive and equal, a new way of governing, leading and collaborating across organizational and sectoral boundaries is required. The purpose of SustainGov is to develop new, strategic mission-oriented steering instruments that can deliver practical systemic effects for public governance.

(in Swedish)

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