The Centre for Responsible Leadership at the International Studying Leadership Conference (ISLC) 2023 in Copenhagen
One of the papers from members of our team (Elena Antonacopoulou, Artavia Edwards and Katja Einola) explored how we can restore our faith in the practice of leadership by revisiting the Ethos of Leadership Across Professional Practices. The paper was presented by Artavia who is also an US Army Veteran and who elevated the tone and emphasis of oath-taking as an integral part of cultivating ethos. Mindful that ethos is integral to professional conduct, this presentation provided a fresh take on responsibilization because it invited conduct guided not by codes or rules, but by phronesis (practical wisdom). The latter is integral to responsibility and essential in choice-making and stance-taking.
The second paper by members of our team (Jeannette Eidmann, Katja Einola and Elena Antonacopoulou) was delivered by Jeannette and it was a great opportunity to profile some of the emerging findings from her PhD research into mindfulness training programs. Mindfulness is already well placed in the leadership development process and practice. However, limited evidence exists to-date on the impact of mindfulness training in the development of leaders and leadership. This pioneering study shows how and why mindfulness training results in very different participant understandings and learning outcomes.
Elena Antonacopoulou organized a symposium to bring together voices across the spectrum – including academics across disciplines, practitioners across industries and policy makers, to deliberate on ‘WHAT LEADERSHIP FOR FLOURISHING?’. An overview of the variety of perspectives presented can be seen at . From the symposium we distilled several research questions that will continue to inform and inspire our future research agenda.