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Guided tour and after school at Medelhavsmuseet

Join us for a guided tour and after school at Medelhavsmuseet – The Museum for Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities. November 15, 5 pm.


As part of Art Initiative's collaboration with Medelhavsmuseet on the ongoing exhibition BeLonging: Michael Rakowitz and the Mesopotamian Collection, we have been invited to the museum for a guided tour. Leila Karin Österlind will show us the museum and three current temporary exhibitions: HabibiNakba: Palestinska berättelser från 1948 (Nakba: Paleom 1948), and Egyptens Judar (The Jews of Egypt).

After the tour, we get a drink in Baghdad Café, the museum's beautiful café and restaurant.

When: Friday, November 15th at 17.00 (5pm)

Where: Medelhavsmuseet, Fredsgatan 2, Stockholm. We gather in the foyer.

Free entry to the museum & one drink in the bar.

The museum is open until 8 pm.

NB: This event is only for SSE-ers.


Art Initiative