Yingjie Qi

Welcome to my website! I am a PhD candidate in Finance from Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). My primary research interests are Empirical Corporate Finance, Financial Intermediation, and Banking. I am on the job market, and will be available for interviews at the European Job Market in Rotterdam and the ASSA meeting in San Diego.
Job market paper: Big Broad Banks: How does Cross-Selling Affect Lending?
Abstract: Using unique micro-data that contain the internal information on all corporate customers of a large Nordic bank, I show that combining loan and non-loan products (cross-selling) has two benefits. First, it increases credit supply, especially in recessions. Second, it increases the likelihood of receiving lenient treatment in delinquency. I argue that non-loan relationships play an important role in determining credit supply and debt renegotiation, by (i) increasing the profitability of the relationship (profit channel) and (ii) mitigating the information asymmetry problem (information channel). Exploiting an exogenous and differential change in similar products' profitability due to the Basel II implementation, I estimate the causal effect of the profit channel on credit supply. A 20 percent decrease in non-loan products' profitability reduces credit supply to affected firms by 13 percent (600,000 USD) compared with unaffected firms.
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