Mortgages Around the World: Insights and Lessons for Policy
How do global mortgage systems differ, and what can Sweden learn from them? How does mortgage regulation affect economic stability and household spending? Are flexible mortgage rules crucial for protecting consumers and the economy? A seminar with Harvard’s John Y. Campbell, this year’s recipient of the Skandia Research Award on Long-Term Savings.

Campbell, a leading expert in household finance and asset pricing, has conducted influential research on mortgages, savings, and investments. His work compares mortgage systems in countries like the U.S., Denmark, and Sweden, offering valuable insights into how these markets influence financial stability. His expertise is particularly relevant as Sweden revisits its mortgage regulations to balance consumer protection and macroeconomic risks.
He discussed:
- Global mortgage systems and lessons for Sweden.
- The impact of mortgage regulation on economic stability and spending.
- The importance of flexible mortgage rules for consumer and economic protection.
- Lessons from international crises and their relevance to Sweden’s housing market.
The event was conducted in English and moderated by Magnus Dahlquist, Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Ulrike MalmendierUniversity of California, Berkeley Haas, 2023
Laura T. StarksMcCombs Business School, University of Texas, 2022
Stijn Van NieuwerburghColumbia University, 2021
Annette Vissing-Jorgensen
Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley, 2020
Brigitte C. Madrian
Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business, 2019
Lasse Heje Pedersen
Copenhagen Business School and NYU and principal at AQR Capital Management, 2018
Annamaria Lusardi
George Washington University School of Business, 2017
Joshua Rauh
Stanford University, 2016
London Business School, 2015