Hans Dalborg Award 2024 Ceremony & Presentations
Adrien d'Avernas (Swedish House of Finance/Stockholm School of Economics) and Jason Crawford (Uppsala University) are this year’s recipient of the Hans Dalborg Award for Excellence in Research in Financial Economics.

The recipients of this year’s Hans Dalborg Award for Excellence in Research in Financial Economics are Adrien d'Avernas, Resident Researcher at the Swedish House of Finance and Assistant Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, and Jason Crawford, Assistant Professor at Uppsala University. They will present their research during the Swedish House of Finance’s annual meeting.
The meeting will be taking place in-person on May 16 at SSE. From 16:30 we will welcome guests to join for the presentations from the Hans Dalborg Award recipients for 2024. Following the presentations, our board and members will be conducting the business portion of the meeting.
Central Banking with Shadow Banks
Adrien d'Avernas, Assistant Professor at Stockholm School of Economics and resident researcher at Swedish House of Finance
Following the global financial crisis, governments all over the world imposed stricter bank regulations, central banks reclaimed prominence in government and short-term debt markets, and an increasing portion of the economy has been financed by institutions outside of the traditional banking sector. In this presentation, I will explain how these developments are tied together and whether we should expect central banks to continue to be heavily involved in financial markets.
Integrating ERM: The interplay between digital technologies, organisational structures, and human cognition
Jason Crawford, Assistant Professor at Uppsala University
Organisations face unprecedented risks and uncertainties that are more complex, interconnected, and multifaceted than ever before. To address these challenges and respond to regulatory and stakeholder pressure for better risk governance, management, and reporting practices, many organisations are integrating enterprise risk management (ERM) with control and reporting. This sets the empirical context for much of my research. While such developments are most visible in the financial industry, they are also increasingly apparent in organisations operating in other industries to enable resilience capabilities and respond to new ESG reporting requirements. My research examines these developments using integration as a lens in multiple contexts, including banks and insurance companies. My latest work is increasingly focused on the integration of ESG into ERM, including the interplay between AI and human cognition in strategic and operational decision-making.