SNS/SHoF Finance Panel: The Corona-crisis & the Resilience of the Banking Sector
Companies' demand for credit is sharply on the rise. In the event of a prolonged health crisis with bankruptcies reaching an all time high, what will be the impact on bank’s balance sheets?

One side effect of the measures taken to limit the spread of the coronavirus is a steep downturn in economic activity, raising many companies' acute need for liquidity. If restrictions remain in place for a foreseeable future, many companies run the risk of going bankrupt and the banking sector will be significantly impacted. How will banks’ respond to companies' need for increased credit supply? Are there any lessons that can be learned from previous crises?
SNS/SHOF Finance Panel invited researchers, Finansinspektionen, and representatives from the banking sector to discuss the current situation in wake of the Corona-Crisis.
The Finance Panel is a seminar series for the financial sector arranged by and Swedish House of Finance (SHOF).
Johanna Lybeck Lilja, Executive Advisor på Nordea
Per Strömberg, Professor in Finance at Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics
Erik Thedéen, Director-General at Finansinspektionen
Johan Torgeby, President and CEO, SEB
Mikael Witterblad, President SNS research programme.
The webinar was held in Swedish.