SNS/SHoF Finance Panel: Will the banks manage the next crisis?
In the beginning of this year the new set of rules governing capital adequacy and liquidity for banks, the so called Basel III, was decided. Presently the exisiting rules are being amended in Europe to include Basel III and the Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) in Sweden is working on implementing the new rules.

The Director General of Finansinspektionen, Erik Thedéen, came to the Finance Panel to present his view on how Swedish banks are affected by the new rules and regulations and also the question if the Swedish banking sector is well equipped for the next crisis.
Bo Becker, Professor at the Department of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics, Martin Blåvarg, Head of Group Financial Control at Handelsbanken and Louise Lundberg, Senior Credit Offices at Moody´s Investor Services in Stockholm commented on the topic.
is a meeting place for the financial sector that are arranged by SNS and Swedish House of Finance.
The Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics is Sweden’s national research center in financial economics.
Bo Becker, Professor in finance at Stockholm School of Economics
Martin Blåvarg, Head of Group Financial Control at Handelsbanken
Louise Lundberg, Senior credit officer at Moody’s Investor Services
Erik Thedéen, Director General, Finansinspektionen
Pehr Wissén, Senior Advisor at Swedish House of Finance, Moderator.
This seminar was held in Swedish