E-krona, Money and Trust Among Strangers
Welcome to a breakfast seminar at the Swedish House of Finance.

The institution of money is rapidly evolving and the Riksbank is considering introducing an electronic substitute for cash. The possible economic consequences of introducing an e-krona have not been systematically studied and many questions are open.
• What is the role of a currency in society, and what supports its stability and value in the long-run? Which economic problems does money ultimately solve?
• What problems can we foresee that are associated with introducing an alternative payment instrument? Would e-kronor affect financial stability?
• Should central banks play an active role or should private issuers lead the way?
• Would profitability and efficiency in the banking system change?
• Is the behavior of households, banks and the central bank affected by the payment mechanism?
These topics will be discussed against the background of recent financial research by Gabriele Camera.
The seminar is moderated by Marieke Bos
20 minutes presentation by Gabriele Camera: A perspective on electronic alternatives to traditional currencies
Panel discussion:
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Cecilia Skingsley, Deputy governor of the Riksbank
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Gabriele Camera, Professor of Economics and Finance, Chapman University and University of Basel
•&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Wilko Bolt, Professor Free University of Amsterdam and the Nederlandsche Bank