SNS/SHoF Finance panel: What will Basel III mean for Sweden?
The new global set of rules for the banks, also called Basel III, will most likely be fully negotiated in the beginning of 2017.

The purpose of the Basel III set of rules is to increase stability in the financial system. The aim is for banks to be able to handle riskt in an improved way, while they will continue to be able to fulfill their basic functions in the economy.
Kerstin af Jochnick, First Deputy Governor of the Riksbank, will tell us about the new rules and explain why the Riksbank thinks they are so important for Sweden.
The introductory speech will be followed by a discussion by invited commentators and the public.
The Finanspanel is the meeting forum of SNS and the finance research institute the Swedish House of Finance for the financial sector.
Kerstin af Jochnick, First Deputy Governor, the Riksbank
Pehr Wissén, Swedish House of Finance, will be moderating the discussion