SNS/SHoF Finance Panel with Nicolas Véron on Sweden and Banking Union
Welcome to a Finance Panel where Nicolas Véron, Senior Fellow and co-founder of Bruegel, the independent thinktank in Brussels and a Visiting Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington DC will discuss banking union and how EU is working to deal with faltering banks. What kind of development can be expected? In what way does Brexit change the introduction of the banking union? What would be the pros and cons of joining for Sweden?

Nicolas Véron’s research is mostly about financial systems and financial reform around the world, including global financial regulatory initiatives and current developments in the European Union.
The Finance panel is the meeting forum for the financial sector arranged by SNS and the Swedish House of Finance.
The meeting will be held in English.
Nicolas Véron, Bruegel and the Peterson Institute for International Economics
Pehr Wissén, Swedish House of Finance will be moderating the discussion