SNS/SHoF Finance panel: Blockchains and the Future of Finance
What is a blockchain and how will blockchains change the financial sector?

David Yermack is a leading expert on digital currencies and blockchains and on how this new technology will change financial markets. He is a professor of Finance and Business Transformation at the New York University (NYU) Stern School of Business and the Director of the NYU Pollack Center for Law and Business.
The Finanspanel is the meeting forum for the financial sector by SNS and the finance research institute the Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics.
The seminar will be arranged within the seminar series SNS Digitech Forum, financed with support from Vinnova.
The meeting will be held in English.
David Yermack, Professor of Finance and Business Transformation at NYU Stern School of Business
Pehr Wissén, Swedish House of Finance and SNS, will be moderating the discussion