SNS/SIFR Finance panel: Where is the Russian economy heading: with Sergei Guriev, Newly appointed chief economist for EBRD
The Russian economy has for a long time faced serious structural problems. In addition, the Russian economy has entered a recession with falling oil prices, a weak ruble, double-digit inflation and capital flight.

What can we expect of the Russian economy in the near future? Is there any cause for optimism? In what direction is the Russian government moving?
The Finanspanel is the meeting forum of SNS and the SIFR for the financial sector. This meeting is co-organized with the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES)
Contributors: Sergei Guriev, Professor of Economics at Sciences Po in Paris, previously Dean of the New Economic School in Moscow, an advisor to the Russian government and a board member of some of Russia’s larger financial firms. Two years ago, he resigned from his posts in Russia and departed for France
Pehr Wissén, SIFR, will be moderating the discussion