Private Debt, A new asset class?
Following the financial crisis and increased regulation of traditional banks, loans are being constructed and isued by new market participants. New investment vehicles do not fit in old models and create confusion as well as questions for investors and authorities.

- Can we still use traditional asset class definitions?
- Risk/reward characteristics?
- What will the market impact be of these new instruments?
- What is the experience from other countries?
- In what types of portfolios do these instruments fit best?
To shed some light on these and other issues surrounding the topic, SIFR in cooperation with Leifmdörfer Real Estate Capital would like to invite you to a roundtable discussion. This invitation is sent to a limited number of senior market participants, who represent different, relevant parts of the financial market, as well as to academic researchers. Our hope is that by bringing together representatives of different classes of investors, issuers, government agencies, academics and industry associations, we will bring about a constructive discussion on the topic.
Magnus Dahlquist, Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics will start off the discussion by making a link to relevant financial research. Peter Leimdörfer will give a brief introduction to the Nordic real estate private debt fund market. German insurer Allianz will Share their experiences from a large institutions perspective. After that we will open up the floor.