Featured research

Mariassunta Giannetti and Tracy Wang (2021). Public Attention to Gender Equality and Board Gender Diversity, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
Utpal Bhattacharya, Amit Kumar, Sujata Visaria, Jing Zhao (2020) Do Women Receive Worse Financial Advice?
Luigi Guiso, Luana Zaccaria (2020) From Patriarchy to Partnership: Gender Equality and Household Finance
Johanna Rickne (2019).
Ylva Baeckström, Jo Silvester and Rachel A. J. Pownall (2019). Millionaire investors: financial advisors, attribution theory and gender differences
Maria Chaderina, Alexander Murmann and Christoph Scheuch (2018). The Dark Side of Liquid Bonds in Fire Sales
Clara Fernström (2018). Dying and Dissaving
Dragana Cvijanovic and Christophe Spaenjers (2018). We’ll Always Have Paris
Lu Liu (2018). Product Proliferation as Price Obfuscation? Evidence from the Mortgage Market
Diane Pierret and Roberto Steri (2018). Stressed Banks
Morten Bennedsen, Elena Simintzi, Margarita Tsoutsoura and Daniel Wolfenzon (2018). Disclosing the Gender Pay Gap
Petra Vokata (2018). Engineering Lemons