Per Strömberg

Per Strömberg is the SSE Centennial Professor of Finance and Private Equity at the Stockholm School of Economics. He is also Adjunct Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Dr Strömberg’s research has primarily focused on the two areas of bankruptcy and private equity finance. His work has been published in top academic journals in economics and finance, and has been acknowledged by the Brattle Group Prize for best corporate finance paper published in the Journal of Finance in 2001 and 2009, the Brattle Group Prize for distinguished corporate paper published in the Journal of Finance in 2013, the 2004 NASDAQ award for best paper on capital formation at the Western Finance Association meetings, the 2006 Researcher of the Year award at the Stockholm School of Economics, the JFI Stuart Greenbaum Prize for the most significant paper in the Journal of Financial Intermediation in 2007, and the ECGI Standard Life Annual Finance Prize for best corporate governance paper in 2013. In 2011 he was awarded the Assar Lindbeck Medal, given bi-annually to an economist active in Sweden below the age of 45. He is a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, and the prize committee of the Sveriges Riksbank Economics Prize in the Memory of Alfred Nobel, which he chaired 2016-2018.
Education: Civilekonom HHS (1990); MSc Industrial Administration Carnegie Mellon University (1994); PhD Finance Carnegie Mellon University (1997)
Working Papers
Note: most working papers can be downloaded from .
Gustav Martinsson, Laszlo Sajtos, Per Strömberg, and Christian Thomann (2022),
Vincent Maurin, David Robinson, and Per Strömberg (2020),
Steven Kaplan, Berk Sensoy, and Per Strömberg (2002),
Journal articles
Gustav Martinsson, Per Strömberg, László Sajtos, and Christian J. Thomann (2024). The Effect of Carbon Pricing on Firm Emissions: Evidence from the Swedish CO2 Tax. Review of Financial Studies,
Per Strömberg, Michael J. Böhm and Daniel Metzger (2023).
Vincent Maurin, David Robinson and Per Strömberg (2023).
Per Strömberg, Edith Hotchkiss and David Smith (2021).
Shai Bernstein, Josh Lerner, Morten Sørensen, and Per Strömberg (2017). "Private equity and industry performance," Management Science 63(4), 1198-1213.
Per Strömberg, Josh Lerner and Morten Sorensen (2013).
Per Strömberg, Ulf Axelson, Tim Jenkinson and Michael Weisbach (2013).
Bo Becker and Per Strömberg (2012).
Per Strömberg, Josh Lerner and Morten Sorensen (2011).
Steven Kaplan and Per Strömberg (2009), “Leveraged buyouts and private equity,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 23(1), 121-146.
Ulf Axelson, Per Strömberg, and Michael Weisbach (2009), “Why are buyouts levered? The financial structure of private equity funds,” Journal of Finance 64(4), 1549-1582.
Steven Kaplan, Berk Sensoy, and Per Strömberg (2009), “Should investors bet on the jockey or the horse? Evidence from the evolution of firms from early business plans to public companies,” Journal of Finance 64(1), 75-115.
Steven Kaplan, Frédéric Martel, and Per Strömberg (2007), “How do legal differences and experience affect financial contracts?,” Journal of Financial Intermediation 16(3), 273-311.
Steven Kaplan and Per Strömberg (2004), “Characteristics, contracts, and actions: Evidence from venture capital analyses,” Journal of Finance 59(5), 2177-2210.
Steven Kaplan and Per Strömberg (2003), “Financial contracting theory meets the real world: An empirical analysis of venture capital contracts,” Review of Economic Studies 70, 281-315.
Steven Kaplan and Per Strömberg (2001), “Venture Capitalists As Principals: Contracting, Screening, and Monitoring,” American Economic Review P&P 91, 426-430.
Per Strömberg (2000), “Conflicts of Interest and Market Illiquidity in Bankruptcy Auctions: Theory and Tests”, Journal of Finance 55 (Dec. 2000), 2641-2691.
Book chapters, reports, and other writings
Gustav Martinsson and Per Strömberg (2020) "." SNS Analys 68, December 2020.
Trond Döskeland and Per Strömberg (2018) "Evaluating investments in unlisted equity." Report commissioned from the Norwegian Ministry of Finance.
John Hassler, Per Krusell, Torsten Persson, and Per Strömberg (2018),
Peter Gärdenfors, Magnus Johannesson, Per Molander, Tomas Sjöström, and Per Strömberg (2017),
Mats Persson, Torsten Persson, Tomas Sjöström, och Per Strömberg (2016),
Martin Andersson and Per Strömberg (2015) .
Per Strömberg, Peter Englund, Per Krusell, Mats Persson and Torsten Persson (2013).
Per Strömberg (2012).
Runar Brännlund, Lars Ljungqvist, Per Strömberg, Arvid Wallgren, and Anders Vredin (2011),
Josh Lerner, Morten Sørensen, and Per Strömberg (2009), “What drives private equity activity and success globally?” In: Globalization of Alternative Investment Working Papers Volume 2, The Global Economic Impact of Private Equity Report 2009,World Economic Forum, Geneva.
Per Strömberg (2008), “The new demography of private equity.” In: Globalization of Alternative Investment Working Papers Volume 1, The Global Economic Impact of Private Equity Report 2008, World Economic Forum, Geneva.
Per Strömberg (2006),
Per Strömberg (2005),
David Smith and Per Strömberg (2005), “Maximizing the value of distressed assets: Bankruptcy law and the efficient reorganization of firms.” In: Honahan, P. and L. Laeven (eds.), Systemic Financial Distress: Containment and Resolution (New York: Cambridge University Press).
Steven Kaplan and Per Strömberg (2004), “Evidence on the Venture Capitalist Investment Process: Contracting, Screening, and Monitoring.” In: Renneboog, L. and J. McCahery (eds.), Venture Capital Contracting and the Valuation of High Technology Firms. Oxford University Press.
Cases for teaching
Exhibits and other related teaching materials are available upon request.
"FSN, Troax, and the Satech acquisition opportunity"
"Thule" (with Bo Becker)