Martina Björkman Nyqvist
Carl Bennet & Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Professor in Economics
Department of Economics
Stockholm School of Economics
Platform Director
Human Capital and Sustainable Development Platform
Matts Carlgren Professor of Business Administration
Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology
Platform Director
Sustainable Business Development Through Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Docent, and Deputy Director at the Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Initiative Director
Sustainable Finance Initiative
Human Capital and Sustainable Development Platform
Julius Andersson (Researcher, SITE)
Pamela Campa (Assistant Professor, SITE)
Amanda Dahlstrand (Assistant Professor, University of Zurich)
Ingrid Hoem Sjursen (Postdoctoral Researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute)
Jonathan Lehne (Researcher, SITE)
Marion Leroutier (Postdoc, Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Erik Merkus (Trade Policy Adviser at Kommerskollegium - National Board of Trade Sweden)
Anders Olofsgård (Associate Professor, SITE)
Maria Perrotta Berlin (Assistant Professor, SITE)
Abhijeet Singh (Associate Professor, Department of Economics, SSE)
Maiting Zhuang (Researcher, SITE)
Celine Harion Zipfel (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, SSE)
Akib Khan (Postdoc, Misum).
Sustainable Business Development Through Entrepreneurship and Innovation Platform
Pär Åhlström (Professor, Professor Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Margo Enthoven (Postdoc Fellow, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Anna Essen (Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Enrico Fontana (Lecturer, Cranfield School of Management)
Águeda Gil López (Assistant Professor, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)
Carin Holmqvist (Professor Emerita, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Lotta Hultin (Affiliated Researcher, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Sarah Jack (Professor, Lancaster University)
Holmer Kok (Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Kaisa Koskela-Huotari (Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Strategy, SSE)
Tanja Leppäaho Akatemiatutkija (Academy Research Fellow, LUT University)
Magnus Mähring (Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Suvi Nenonen (Professor, Department of Marketing and Strategy, SSE)
Mattias Nordqvist (Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Jennie Perzon (Accenture)
Jan Pfister (Senior Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Turku)
Rhiannon Pugh (Senior Lecturer, Lund University)
Rasmus Rahm (Affiliated Researcher, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Marcela Ramírez-Pasillas (Assistant Professor, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University)
Laurence Romani (Professor, Department of Management and Organization, SSE)
Elena San Román (Associate Professor, University Complutense of Madrid)
Tina Sendlhofer (Affiliated Researcher, Misum)
Roberto Verganti (Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, SSE)
Mattias Axelson (Research Fellow, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology)
Accounting Frameworks Platform
Per Åhblom (Assistant Professor, London School of Economics)
Roel Boomsma (Senior Lecturer in Accounting, University of Sydney Business School)
Paolo Quattrone (Professor, Department of Accounting & Governance, University of Manchester)
Emilia Cederberg (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Chiara Crovini (Associate Professor, Aalborg University Business School)
Gianluca Delfino (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Ting Dong (Visiting Researcher, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Florian Eugster (Associate Professor, University of St. Gallen)
Wai Fong Chua (Visiting Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Irina Gazizova (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Lukas Goretzki (Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Niclas Hellman (Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Carl Henning Christner (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Mariya Ivanova (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Kalle Kraus (Professor and Head of Department, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Martin Messner (Visiting Professor, SSE and Professor, University of Innsbruck)
Jodie Moll (Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology)
Henrik Nilsson (Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Jan Pfister (Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Turku)
Marek Reuter (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Ebba Sjögren (Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Milda Tylaite (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Antonio Vasquez (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Sustainable Finance Initiative
Anders Anderson (Research Fellow and Senior Advisor to Swedish House of Finance and Associate Professor, Department of Finance, SSE)
Ramin Baghai (Associate Professor, Department of Finance, SSE)
Rachelle Belinga (Assistant Professor, Drew University)
Mustafa Bulut (Postdoc Fellow, Misum)
Emilia Cederberg (Affiliated Researcher, Department of Accounting, SSE)
Florian Eugster (Associate Professor, University of St. Gallen)
Michael Halling (Professor in Finance and Institutions, University of Luxembourg)
Gustav Martinsson (Associate Professor, Stockholm Business School at Stockholm University)
Diogo Mendes (Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, SSE)
Laszlo Sajtos (Visiting Researcher, Department of Finance, SSE)
Hanna Setterberg (Affiliated Researcher)
Jan Starmans (Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, SSE)
Per Strömberg (Professor, Department of Finance, SSE)
Mette Morsing (Head of PRME Principles of Responsible Management, UN Global Compact)
Paolo Quattrone (Professor of Accounting Governance and Society at the Alliance Manchester Business School)
Human Capital and Sustainable Development Platform
Avenia Ghazarian (Department of Economics)
Artur Obminski (Paris School of Economics)
Dominik Biesalski (Stockholm University)
Fadhil Muharam (Department of Economics)
Gargi Dangwal (Department of Economics)
Iacopo Bianchi (Stockholm University)
Sustainable Business Development Through Entrepreneurship and Innovation Platform
Saman Amir (Department of Marketing and Strategy)
Sina Behzadifard (House of Innovation)
Angelo Bello (House of Innovation)
Natalie Anita Bye (Department of Management and Organization)
Ingrid Eelde Koivisto (Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology)
Tatiana Egorova (Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology)
Zarreen Kamalie (Stockholm University)
Camille Korschun (Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology)
Jenni Puroila (Department of Management and Organization)
Accounting Frameworks Platform
Fanny Almersson (Department of Accounting)
Anders Biörklund (Department of Accounting)
Yao Cai (Department of Accounting)
Yiwen Lu (Department of Accounting)
Sustainable Finance Initiative
Antoine Gustin (Department of Finance)
Marcus Hober (Department of Finance)
Svetlana Gross (Department of Management and Organization)