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Partnerships for social inclusion: Building shared value and collective impact in segregated areas of Sweden

Cross-sector partnerships have become a magic bullet for solving various sustainability problems, with businesses often portrayed to play an important role as a lever for societal change. In practice there are however several challenges related to how to efficiently coordinate cross-sectoral partnerships. This Misum Academic Insight contributes to an increased understanding of the perils and practices of organizing partnerships to reach societal change, and identifies conditions that can support the realizing of shared value and collective impact in segregated areas.

Image by Ingrid Stigzelius.

This Academic Insight is based on the research report ”Värdeskapande partnerskap för social inkludering. Fastighetsbranschens roll i byggande av gemensamt värde och samhällspåverkan i särskilt utsatta områden. En forskningsrapport om Frölunda Torg och Vivalla,” published by Misum in 2020.


Research collaborators:

  • Susanne Sweet, Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing and Strategy, SSE
  • Tommy Borglund, Assistant Professor at Örebro University

This research project was financed by Skandia Forskningsstiftelser and Mistra, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research.