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RESEARCH FROM MISUM AFFILIATES: PUBLISHED PAPERS, ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS 2023 (with the names of the Misum Affiliated Researchers in bold)

Afiouni, F., Apospori, E., Darwish, H. et al (including Jack, S.) (2023) Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023:1, 15761.

Amir, S., Salehi, N., Roci, M., Sweet, S. and Rashid, A. (2023) Business Strategy and the Environment, 32:6, 2684-2701.

Anzivino, A., Nenonen, S. and Sebastiani, R. (2023) Journal of Service Research, 0(0).

Baghai, R., Alexandre Colaço e Silva, R. and Soares, M. (2023) SSRN.

Batjargal, B., Jack, S., Mickiewicz, T., Stam, E., Stam, W. and Wennberg, K. (2023) Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47:3, 651-661.

Beck, S. et al (including Verganti, R.) (2023) Innovation, 25:3, 221-235.

Bellis, P., Buganza, T. and Verganti, R. (2023) Creativity and Innovation Management, 32:3, 407-424.

 Berlin, M.P., Bonnier, E. and Olofsgård, A. (2023) The Journal of Development Studies (FJDS).

Berlin, M.P., Desai, R.M. & Olofsgård, A. (2023) The Review of International Organizations, 18, 237–258.

Björkman Nyqvist, M. and Guariso, A. (2023) Journal of Development Economics, 164, 103133.

Björkman Nyqvist, M., Leight, J. and Sharma, V. (2023) The Journal of Development Studies, 59:1, 73-93.

Böhm, M.J., Metzger, D. and Strömberg, P. (2023) Review of Economic Studies, 90:5, 2215-2260.

Campa, P. and Muehlenbachs, L. (2023). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 16:1, 415-446.

Dangl, T., Halling, M., Yu, J. and Salbrechter, S. (2023) SSRN.

Dangl, T., Halling, M., Yu, J. and Zechner, J. (2023) SSRN.

Dangl, T., Halling, M., Yu, J. and Zechner, J. (2023) SSRN.

Desai, R.M., Olofsgård, A. and Yousef, T.M. (2023) Social Science Quarterly, 104:4, 684-701.

Di Marco, R., Dong, T., Malatincová, R., Reuter, M. and Strömsten, T. (2023) Business Strategy and the Environment, 32:6, 3027-3052.

Dinh, T., Eugster, F. and Husmann, A. (2023) Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper No. 23-33.

Dodd, S., Anderson, A. and Jack, S. (2023) Journal of Small Business Management, 61:4, 1842-1870.

Dong, T., Eugster, F. and Nilsson, H. (2023) Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 42:2, 106958.

Dzieliński, M., Eugster, F., Sjöström, E. and Wagner, A.F. (2023) Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper No. 22-14.

Döbbe, F. and Cederberg, E. (2023) Journal of Business Ethics.

Enthoven, M. (2023) In G. De Jong, N. Faber, E. Folmer, T. Long, & B. Ünal (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 143–158). De Gruyter.

Enthoven, M.P.M. and Thelken, H.N. (2023) Business Strategy and the Environment, Special Issue: Corporate and entrepreneurial contributions to sustainability transitions, 32:2, 991-1004.

Essén, A., Frishammar, J. and Cenamor, J. (2023) Technovation, 121, 102597.

Essén, A. and Jarvenpaa, S.L. (2023) Information and Organization, 33:1, 100449.

Eugster, F., Kallunki, J., Kallunki, J‐P. and Nilsson, H. (2023) Contemporary Accounting Research, 41:1, 95-125.

Evansluong, Q.  Glinka, B. ,Freiling, J., Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Dana, L-P. (2023)  Journal of Organizational Change Management. Special Issue. ABS2

Evansluong, Q., Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Discua Cruz, A., Elo, M., Vershinina, N. (2023) Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy. ABS1.

Fil Kristensen, I. and Pugh, R. (2023) Regional Studies, 57:1, 129-140.

Fil Kristensen, I., Pugh, R. and Grillitsch, M. (2023) Regional Studies, 57:1, 196-208.

Fontana, E., Atif, M. and Heuer, M. (2023) International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 53:1, 156-180.

Fontana, E., Frandsen, S. and Morsing, M. (2023) Journal of Business Ethics, 185, 741–766.

Fontana, E. and Pisalyaput, N. (2023) Business Strategy and the Environment, 32:6, 2715-2735.

Franzò, S., Landoni, P., Colombo, G. and Verganti, R. (2023) Innovation, 25:3, 236-256.

Frishammar, J., Essén, A., Bergström, F. and Ekman. T. (2023) Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 189, 122319.

Gatti, S., Ivanova, M.N. and Pündrich, G. (2023) Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 38:4, 777-803.

Geelen, T., Hajda, J. and Starmans, J. (2023) SSRN.

Gil-López, Á., San Román, E., Jack, S.L. and Zózimo, R. (2023), "", Fernández Pérez, P. and San Román, E. (Ed.) Collective Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary European Services Industries: A Long Term Approach (Frontiers of Management History), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 95-116.

Gupta, D. Kopytov A and Starmans J. (2023) The Pace of Change: Socially Responsible Investors in Private Markets.

Gupta, D. and Starmans, J. (2023) SSRN.

Haywood. L., Leroutier, M. and Pietzcker, R. (2023) Joule, 7:8, 1675-1678.

Hellman, N., Ivanova, M.N. and Pan, Z. (2023) SSRN.

Hernández-Barahona, J., Mateo, T., Gil-López, Á. and San Román, E. (2023) "", Fernández Pérez, P. and San Román, E. (Ed.) Collective Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary European Services Industries: A Long Term Approach (Frontiers of Management History), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 11-28.

Ivanova, M.N., Nilsson, H. and Tylaite, M. (2023) Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 51,1-2, 595-630.

Ivanova, M.N. and Prencipe, A. (2023) Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 38:2, 271-301.

Ivanova, M., Tylaite, M. and Zhu, L. (2023) SSRN.

Kjellberg, H., Sjögren, E. and Johansson Krafve, L. (2023) Journal of Business Research, 167, 114193.

Koskela-Houtari, K., Svärd, K., Williams, H., Trsichler, J. and Wikström, F. (2023) . Journal of Service Research, 27:1, 106-123.

Kuckertz, A., Bernhard, A., Berger, E.S.C., Dvouletý, O., Harms, R., Jack, S. and Kibler, E. (2023) Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19, e00356.

Leroutier, M. and Quirion, P. (2023) 213, 107951.

Lamine, W., Fayolle, A., Jack, S. and Audretsch, D. (2023) Technovation, 126, 102823.

Landoni, P., Franzò, S., Viglialoro, D., Laspia, A. and Verganti, R. (2023) Journal of Knowledge Management, 27:11, 136-156.

Magnanini, S., Trabucchi, D. and Verganti, R. (2023) . Innovation, 25:3, 305-327.

Martinsson, G., Sájtós, L., Strömberg, P. and Thomann, C. (2023) Review of Financial Studies.

Misra, D. and Pugh, R. (2023) Regional Studies, 57:12, 2563-2577.

Mohaghegh, M., Åhlström, P. and Blasi, S. (2023) Production Planning & Control.

Mohaghegh, M., Åhlström, P. and Blasi, S. (2023) Production Planning & Control.

Moll, J. (2023) In: The Routledge Handbook of Public Sector Accounting, 1st Edition, Routledge, 9781003295945.

Morillas, M., and Romani, L. (2023) Management Learning, 54:4, 511-530.

Olesson, E., Nenonen, S. and Newth, J. (2023) Organization & Environment, 36:2, 228-252.

Patel, T., Romani, L., Oberoi, P. and Ramasamy, C. (2023) Organization, 30:2, 307-325.

Pugh, R. and Andersson, I. (2023) Regional Studies.

Ramli, K., Spigel, B., Williams, N., Mawson, S. and Jack, S. (2023) Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 35:1-2, 24-48.

Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Saari, U.A., Lundberg, H. (2023) In: Rautiainen, M., Parada, M.J., Pihkala, T., Akhter, N., Discua Cruz, A., Mukherjee, K. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Managing Family Business Groups. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Ryan, A., Geiger, S., Haugh, H. et al (including Jack, S.) (2023) Journal of Business Ethics, 184, 757–772.

Sandgren, M., Uman, T. and Nordqvist, M. (2023) Small Business Economics, 61, 349–388.

San Roman, E., Puig, N. and Gil-Lopez, A. (2023) Business History, 65:4, 762-786.

Sheikh, F.A., Pugh, R., Wu, X. and Sarkar, S. (2023) Regional Studies, 58:4, 893-905.

Slager, R., Gond, J-P, Sjöström, E. (2023) Human Relations, 0:0.

Singh, A. (2023) The Economic Journal, ueae017.

Smith, C., Rondi, E., De Massis, A. and Nordqvist, M. (2023) Journal of Management, 0:0.

Thomas, E., Pugh, R., Soetanto, D. et al. (2023) The Journal of Technology Transfer, 48, 2054–2073.

Vargo, S.L., Peters, L., Kjellberg, H. et al. (2023) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 2–22.

Vazirani, A., Sarkar, S., Bhattacharjee, T., Dwivedi, Y.K. and Jack, S. (2023) Journal of Business Research, 155:B, 113424.

Vollmer, H., Ahblom, P. and Cederberg, E. (2023) In: Krüger, Anne K. and Peetz, Thorsten and Schäfer, Hilmar, (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Valuation and Society. London ; New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. (In Press)

Vu, U. and Behzadifard, S. (2023) Learn About Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) in R in the Context of Private Equity in SMEs. Sage Research Methods: Business.

Zasa, F.P., Artusi, F. and Verganti, R. (2023) Creativity and Innovation Management, 32:3, 517-533.