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MISUM RESEARCH: PUBLISHED PAPERS, ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS 2017 (with the name of the Misum affiliated researcher in bold)

Fontana, E. . Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. Doi:10.1002/csr.1463.

Fontana, E. . In book: Heuer, M., & Becker-Leifhold, C. (2017). Eco-Friendly and Fair: Fast fashion and consumer behavior. Greenleaf Publishing.

Fontana, E. (2017). “ An empirical study among executives in the Bangladeshi RMG supply chain”. European Business Review29(3), 304-319.

Fontana, E.  and Niklas Egels Zanden “” in Journal of Business Ethics, accepted 16 February 2018. 


. Pål Sundsøy, Johannes Bjelland, Bjørn-Atle Reme, Eaman Jahani, Erik Wetter, Linus Bengtsson. (Submitted on 12 Dec 2016). Cornell University Library

. Jessica E. Steele, Pål Roe Sundsøy, Carla Pezzulo, Victor A. Alegana, Tomas J. Bird, Joshua Blumenstock, Johannes Bjelland, Kenth Engø-Monsen, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Asif M. Iqbal, Khandakar N. Hadiuzzaman, Xin Lu, Erik Wetter, Andrew J. Tatem, Linus Bengtsson. February 2017
Volume 14, issue 127 - Journal of the Royal Society Interface

Ranganathan,S., Nicolis, S., Bali Swain, R. & D. Sumpter (2017).  , PLoS One, Vol. 12(2), pp. 1-19

Bali Swain, R. & Wallentin F.Y. (2017). , Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 53(5), pp. 684-699. 

Pädam, S. & Bali Swain, R. Attitudes to Paying for Environmental Protection in a Cross Country Setting, bookchapter in in , Bali Swain, R. (Editor) Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. 

Kar, A. & Bali Swain, R. (2017). , Applied Economics, Vol. 50(1), pp. 1-14.

Shyam B., Gordana Manevska-Tasevska and Yves Surry (2017). , German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67 (1).

Bali Swain, R. (2017). A Critical Analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals, book chapter in Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research (Ed(s) Leal et. al), Springer

Rasche, A, Morsing, M And Moon, J (Eds.) (2017). . Cambridge University Press: London

Morsing, M (2017). Chapter 11: CSR communication. What is it? Why is it important? In: Rasche, A., Morsing, M. And Moon, J. (Eds.) (2017) . Cambridge University Press: London. See video about it .

Rasche, A; Morsing, M and Moon. J (2017). Chapter 1: The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: CSR and Beyond. In: Rasche, A., Morsing, M.And Moon, J. (Eds.) (2017) . Cambridge University Press: London

Rasche, A, Morsing, M And Moon, J (Eds.) (2017). . Cambridge University Press: London

Rasche, A; Morsing, M and Moon. J (2017). Chapter 1: The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: CSR and Beyond. In: Rasche, A., Morsing, M.And Moon, J. (Eds.) (2017) . Cambridge University Press: London

Rasche, A, Waddock, S. (2017). Chapter 7: Standards for CSR: Legitimacy, Impact, and Critique. In: Rasche, A., Morsing, M. And Moon, J. (Eds.) (2017) . Cambridge University Press: London

Schuler, D., Rasche, A., Etzion, D./Newton, L. (2017): . Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 213-237.  

Flyverbom, M., Rasche, A., Madsen, A.K. (2017): . Information Society, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 35-42. 

Rasche, A. (2017): , in: Siebert, S. (ed). Management Research – European Perspectives. Routledge: London, pp. 171-184.  

Scherer, A.G., Rasche, A. (2017): , in: Blaschke, S./Schoeneborn, D. (Eds.). Organization as Communication: Intercontinental Perspectives. London et al.: Routledge, pp. 3-26. 

Rasche, A., Morsing, M. And Moon, J. (Eds.) (2017). . BOS blogpost, March

Lawrence, J., Rasche, A. (2017): , in: Smith, C.N. & Lenssen, G. (eds). Building the Responsible Corporation. 

Ford, D., Mattsson, L.G. and Snehota, I (2017) Managing in the Interactive Business World. In  Håkansson, H. and  Snehota I (eds) ,  Emerald Publishing, 27-46

Mattsson, L.G. (2017) Näringsfrihetsrådet i strukturrationaliseringens tjänst- i sin tid. I: Carlson, P.,Nordell, P.J., Rosén, J. and Bernitz, U. (red) . Jure FörlaG, 333-345

Mattsson, L.G and Sjöberg, Ö, (2017) Market practice, policy practice-te quest for urban sustainability. In: Kallifatides, M and Lerpold, L (eds) Sustainable development and business, 2016

Lernborg, C. & Sendlhofer T. The case of [partial] organising for CSRSustainable development and business.

Alamaa C., Le Coq, C., & Lernborg C. Collaboration and economic performanceSustainable development and business.

Stigzelius, Ingrid (2017). Producing Consumers: Agencing and Concerning Consumers to Do Green in Everyday Food Practices. Doctoral Dissertation, Stockholm School of Economics. 

Stigzelius, Ingrid, Luis Araujo, Katy Mason, Riikka Murto, and Teea Palo. "". Accepted for publication in Consumption, Markets and Culture.

Mattsson, L.G. & Sjöberg, Ö. (2017): “Market practice, policy practice: the quest for urban sustainability”, in Markus Kallifatides and Lin Lerpold (eds): Sustainable Development and Business SSE Institute for Research, Stockholm, pp. 49–72.

Furusten and Junker (2017). Hybrid organization and social responsibility – does the organizational form matter? In: Kallifatides, M. and Lerpold, L. (eds.) Sustainable development and business. SSE Institute for Research, Stockholm, pp. 25-48. 

Junker 2017, . OECD secretariat, Paris. OECD report

Borglund, T., De Geer, H. & Sweet S. (Eds) (2017). . 2nd edition, Sanoma Förlag


Hållbarhet och företagande (2017). In: Borglund, T., De Geer, H. & Sweet S. (Eds) (2017). CSR och Hållbart Företagande. Chap 3. 2nd edition, Sanoma Förlag

Hållbar konsumtion, marknadsföring och konsumenter.  In: Borglund, T., De Geer, H. & Sweet S. (Eds) (2017). CSR och Hållbart Företagande. Chap 6. 2nd edition, Sanoma Förlag

Borglund, T., De Geer, H. & Sweet S. (Eds) (2017). . Sanoma Publishing.

Tarras-Wahlberg, H., Cronjé, F., Reyejke, S., & Sweet, S. (2017). .  The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2017, Pages 652-660

Jerneck, M. (2017).  Science Advances, 3(3), e1601861

Jerneck, M. How do low-carbon industries emerge?Sustainable development and business, SSE Institute for Research, Stockholm

The Developmental State as an agent of Sustainability: Assessing its role in the Chinese Solar Photovoltaics Industry." Presented at the INET Conference for Innovation, Institutions and Governance.

Max Jerneck, , blogpost, Misumblog

Frandsen, S. (2017). . Scandinavian Journal of Management33(4), 222-234.

Lin Lerpold, Chengcheng Qu, Jonas Skilje, Walking the talk? A report on the sustainability communication of the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm large cap index companies 2017(Misum, Stockholm School of Economics, 2017).