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Research Projects in the innovating markets platform


Monetization of Circular Economy benefits in the fashion and clothing industry (funded by Swedish Research Council- Formas)

The Swedish fashion industry recognizes the need to pursue a circular economy in order to respond to the societal pressure for sustainability and to secure the future of their business. The main objective of this project is to explore the business case for a bio-based circular economy within the clothing and textile industry. The industry can be motivated to make the transition towards circular economy by monetizing the potential direct and indirect gains that companies can obtain from such a transition. Collaborating with the Stern Business School, we employ the Center for Business in Society methodology in combination with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework. Building on this framework we identify the obstacles and opportunities with a transition to circularity in the fashion industry, and analyze the potential value creation in the textile value chain from this.

Sustainable Development Goals and Energy Use (funded by Swedish Energy Agency)

The ‘transformative’ UN Agenda 2030 with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been criticized for being universal, difficult to quantify, implement and monitor. Disparaging analysis, shows that there are inherent incompatibilities in the SDGs, particularly between the socio-economic development and the environmental sustainability goals. Building on our earlier research, this project aims to quantify the inherent inconsistencies and trade-offs between energy use and other dimensions of SDGs. Using novel approaches within dynamic systems, we analyze a panel data (1980-2016) available in the public domain. The results will further the understanding of the energy sector to respond to the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. The project goes beyond the existing literature to quantify the inconsistencies and trade-offs and to inform the policy towards Sustainable Development at the global, regional, national and sectoral level for Sweden.

(funded by Mistra)

Mistra Future Fashion is a cross-disciplinary research program that has a vision to close the loop in fashion and clothing and through knowledge development influence towards a systemic change in the Swedish fashion industry leading to sustainable development of the industry and society. The program is organized into four cross-disciplinary Research Themes, where each of these Themes are meant to deliver research and knowledge that 1) supports the transformation into a more sustainable fashion industry; 2) leverages action in support of a circular economy; and 3) demonstrates Sweden as a model country for such transformations. Susanne Sweet is the research manager of the program that is led by the research institute Rise. PhD candidate Tina Sendlhofer is performing research relating to the Supply Chain and User themes.

Shared Value project (funded by Skandia’s foundations)

The research project aims at understanding and explore business engagement in social and community contexts on the basis of shared value initiatives. How can the concept be developed and operationalized to capture business practice and its societal impact.  How can business engagement create an inclusive, vibrant and prosperous community?  The overall aims are twofold: a) To increase the understanding and knowledge in the area of sustainable corporate strategies and corporate social engagement around the concepts of shared value and collective impact. And b) to lay the foundation for building a research competence platform around shared value that will further develop the concepts, operationalization and measurements as well as developing teaching cases.  

 Organising for (social and environmental) sustainability (funded by Mistra Future Fashion)

This project explores the phenomenon of organising for (social and environmental) sustainability. It focuses on the perspective of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The project studies the SMEs various motivations and endeavours to promote sustainable thinking as well as employ sustainable business models through sustainable practices in the industry.