Every year a collection of essays are published as SIR’s Yearbook. The book is written by researchers at SSE. The book is also dedicated to the Research Award Winner. Click here to order the book.
SIR's Yearbook 2017 (click to download in full text or chapters):
Per Andersson, Staffan Movin, Magnus Mähring, Robin Teigland, and Karl Wennberg (eds.) SIR 2018
CHAPTER 1: Strategic Challenges of Digital Innovation and Transformation. Per Andersson and Christopher Rosenqvist
CHAPTER 2: Reaping Value From Digitalization in Swedish Manufacturing Firms: Untapped Opportunities? Magnus Mähring, Karl Wennberg, and Robert Demir
CHAPTER 3: Digital Platforms: A Critical Review of the Core Concepts. Henrik Glimstedt
CHAPTER 4: Catering to the Digital Consumer: From Multichannel to Omnichannel Retailing. Sara Rosengren, Fredrik Lange, Mikael Hernant, and Angelica Blom
CHAPTER 5: Digital Trace Data: Which Data Should we Collect and What Should we do Once we Have it? Claire Ingram Bogusz
CHAPTER 6: Managing Digital Media Investments. Erik Modig, and Martin Söndergaard
CHAPTER 7: Digitalization of Professional Services: The Case of Value Creation in Virtual Law Firm. Tale Sjølsvik, Karl Joachim Breunig, and Frida Pemer
CHAPTER 8: Robotisation of Accounting in Multi-National Companies: Early Challenges and Links to Strategy. Martin Carlsson-Wall and Torkel Strömsten
CHAPTER 9: Uncertainty and Complexity in Predictions From Big Data: Why Managerial Heuristics Will Survive Datafication. Gustav Almqvist
CHAPTER 10: Explaining the Behaviour of News Consumption. Adam Ã…bonde
CHAPTER 11: Digital Transformation Supporting Public Service Innovation: Business Model Challenges and Sustainable Development Opportunities. Per Andersson and Lars-Gunnar Mattsson
CHAPTER 12: The Role and Potential of IoT in Different Ecosystems. Jan Markendahl, Stefan Lundberg, and Staffan Movin
CHAPTER 13: Digitalization, Collective Intelligence, and Entrepreneurship in the Care Sector. Erik Lakomaa
CHAPTER 14: AgTech and the City: The Case of Vertical Farming and Shaping a Market for Urban-Produced Food. Maria J. Bustamente
CHAPTER 15: Future Outlook on Digitalization. Robin Teigland, Claire Ingram Bogusz, and Anna Felländer