Dr. Shogo Akagawa
Shogo Akagawa is a journalist currently working for Japanese Newspaper NIKKEI as an Editor-in-Chief for EMEA, based in London. He is lecturer at the Freie University Berlin, too.
He began his career after working as a trainee at several European banks. In 1999 he was awarded the Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association prize for journalism. He has published numerous interviews with various European head of state or governors of the central banks, articles, books and has held lectures in Japan as well as in Europe. He graduated in economics from the Keio University (B.A.). He holds a Master’s degree as well as a Doctorate in political sciences from the Freie Universität Berlin.
Professor Axel Berkofsky
Axel Berkofsky is Professor at the University of Pavia, Italy and Senior Associate Research Fellow, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI, Milan, Italy).
Dr. Berkofsky has extensively published on Japanese foreign and security policies, China and EU-Asia relations and is a regular contributor to journals, magazines, newspapers and online publications.
He is a member of EJARN executive committee.
Professor Verena Blechinger-Talcott
Verena Blechinger-Talcott is Chair of Japanese Politics and Political Economy at the Institute of East Asian Affairs, Berlin Free University.
Before joining the faculty of Berlin Free University, she held appointments as assistant professor of government at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY (2003-2004) and as Advanced Research Fellow in the Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University (2002-2003). From 1997-2002, she was a Research Fellow and later Head of the Social Science Section (1999-2002) and Deputy Director (2001-2002) at the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo. In 2008, she was a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo.
Her research interests include Japanese politics in comparative perspective, institutional change in Japanese politics, and government-business relations in both domestic politics and international relations. Her current research project focuses on corporate social responsibility and social business in Japan.
The author of many articles and book chapters, her main publications include the monographs Governing Japan. Political System, Reform Processes and International Relations in International Comparison ["Politik in Japan. System, Reformprozesse und Au?enpolitik im internationalen Vergleich]", Frankfurt/Main: Campus 2006 (co-editor),
Dr. Breata Bochorodycz
Breata Bochorodycz is an associate professor at the Institute of Oriental Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. Her research focuses on Japanese politics, diplomacy and foreign policy, the US-Japan relations and Okinawa issue, social movements and civil society. Recent pubBeata lications include Japan’s Foreign Policy Making. Central Government Reforms, Decision-Making Processes, and Diplomacy (coauthored with K. ?akowski and M. Socha; Springer 2018), Fukushima and Civil Society. Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement From The Socio-Political Perspective (Routledge 2022, published in Japanese by Akashi Shoten in 2024), “The Security Policy Community And The Consensus On The US–Japan Alliance: The Role Of Think Tanks, Experts And The Alliance Managers,” The Pacific Review (2024, pp. 1-31).
Beata holds MA in Japanese studies from AMU and MA in political science from Kyushu University in Japan, PhD and habilitated PhD (dr hab.) from the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw. She received scholarships from the International Rotary Club, Japanese Ministry of Education, Japan Foundation, and Fulbright Foundation. She has worked and stayed as visiting researcher at Yokohama National University, Sigur Center for Asian Studies at George Washington University in Washington D.C., School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, and National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo.
Dr. Guibourg Delamotte
A French and Australian dual citizen, Guibourg Delamotte is Senior Lecture (MCF HDR, habilitated to supervise research) of Policial science at the Japanese studies department of the French Institute of Oriental Studies (Inalco). She teaches International relations, Japanese politics and classes on Contemporary Japan. She is a Research Fellow at the French Research Institute on East Asia (IFRAE, CNRS). She is an Adjunct Fellow at the Institute for Contemporary Asian Studies (Temple University Japan, Tokyo). She lectured at Sciences Po Paris for 7 years. She has been invited as NIDS Fellow at the National Institute of Defense Studies (Tokyo) and Visiting Fellow at the Japan Institute for International Affairs.
Her "Habilitation to supervise research" (HDR, 2016), which she defended at Sciences Po, was on Japanese democracy. Her PhD dissertation (Ecole des Hautes études en sciences sociales), on Japanese defence policy (2007), received the Shibusawa-Claudel Award (2008). She graduated from the University of Oxford (M. Jur), Paris 2-Panthéon-Assas (M. Law), Inalco (Japanese), and SciencesPo Paris (BA, Masters in IR). She was international research student on a Lavoisier scholarship at the University of Tokyo's School of Law and Politics in 2003-2004, supervised by Prof. Fujiwara Kiichi.
She recently edited Le Monde vu du Japon (CNRS ed., 2019) and Japan's World Power Assessment, vision and outlook (Routledge, 2017). Her PhD dissertation was published by Presses universitaires de France (La Politique de défense du Japon, 2010). Her publications also include contributions in books published by Pédone (Diplomaties étrangères en mutation, 2019), Philippe Picquier Publishing (Le Monde vu d'Asie, 2013, Démocraties d'Asie, 2015), Hermann Publishing (La Démocratie et la guerre au XXIe siècle, 2011), Global Oriental (Seapower and Maritime Strategy in Britain and Japan, 2012) and Routledge (Globalisation and Defense in the Asia-Pacific, 2009), and articles in peer-reviewed journals - Revue des deux mondes, Critique internationale, La Vie des idées, The HAPR, The KRIS, The APR and others.
Dr. Bart Gaens
Bart Gaens works as Leading Research Fellow at the Global Security Research Programme at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) in Helsinki. He also holds the title of docent at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Helsinki. In the past he has worked as Project Director for FIIA’s Center on US Politics and Power (CUSPP), as Professor of Japanese Studies at the University of Helsinki, and as Specially-Appointed Associate Professor at Osaka University, Japan. He has published on Europe-Asia interregionalism and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process, Japan’s foreign policy and regional role, India’s foreign policy and relations with the EU, domestic politics in Myanmar, and security-related issues in the Indo-Pacific region. He has also (co)edited volumes and reports on connectivity, EU-Asia relations, the US-China rivalry, transatlantic relations, and Japan’s search for strategic partnerships.
PROFESSOR Linus Hagström
Linus Hagström is Professor of Political Science and Director of Studies for the PhD Programme in Political Science at the Swedish Defence University. Additionally, he is an editoral board member of Pacific Affairs, Journal of Peace and War Studies, and Journal of Northeast Asian History. Hagström's research revolves around identity, power and international security, including the role of discourse, narrarive and discipline. Empirically, he is mostly focused on East Asian international politics, with a special emphasis on Japan. Hagström has recently published articles in The International Spectator, Life Writing, Review of International Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affiars, International Studies Review, Journal of Jsapanese Studies, Survival, European Political Science, Washington Quarterly, and European Journal of International Relations, and edited special issues for Asian Perspective, The Pacific Review and Cambridge Review of International Affairs.
Professor Christopher Hughes
Chris Hughes is Professor of International Politics and Japanese Studies and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), at the University of Warwick. Previously he was Research Associate at the Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (IPSHU). From 2000-2001 he was Visiting Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo; and in 2006 he held the Asahi Shimbun Visiting Chair of Mass Media and Politics at the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. He has been a Research Associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), and Visiting Scholar at the East Asia Institute, The Free University of Berlin. In 2009/2010 he was the Edwin O. Reischauer Visiting Professor of Japanese Studies at Harvard University. He holds degrees from the universities of Oxford (BA and MA), Rochester (MA), and Sheffield (MA and PhD). Research scholarships have been received from the Japanese Ministry of Education, the Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, the European Union, British Council, and the British Academy. He is the author of Japan’s Reemergence as ‘Normal’ Military Power (2004), Japan’s Remilitarisation (2009), and Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy under the ‘Abe Doctrine’ (2015). He is co-editor of The Pacific Review. His research interests include Japanese foreign and security policy; Japanese international political economy; regionalism in East Asia; Japanese radicalism and terrorism; post-Cold War traditional and non-traditional security policy; US-Japan alliance relations; North Korea's external political and economic relations; globalisation and security. He is a member of EJARN executive committee.
Dr. Michal Kolma?
Michal Kolmaš is Associate Professor and Chair of Asian studies at the Metropolitan University Prague, the Czech Republic. Previously, he was a visiting fellow at University of Massachusetts-Boston in the USA, Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University and Hokkaido University in Japan.He focuses and published on Japanese foreign policy, national identity, environmental norms, animal rights and climate politics in journals including The Pacific Review, Social Science Japan Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Japanese Journal of Political Science and International Relations of the Asia Pacific. His latest authored book titled National Identity and Japanese Revisionism was published by Routledge in 2019.
Professor Pekka Korhonen
Pekka Korhonen is Professor of World Politics at Jyv?skyl? University, Finland. He started his studies on Japan in 1986 as a visiting research student at Tokyo University, studying Japanese foreign policy. Since then he has always kept Japan in the centre of his attention, but simultaneously he has tried hard not to become a Japanologist, with which he means a Japan-only researcher. His studies have instead moved in the area of international political economy, world politics, and geopolitics, and methodologically he has specialized on conceptual, rhetorical, and narrative analysis.
During the 1990s he concentrated especially on studying Asian and Pacific integration, which resulted in books Japan and the Pacific Free Trade Area (Routledge 1994) and Japan and Asia Pacific Integration: Pacific Romances 1968-1996 (Routledge 1998). During this decade he has studied mostly the conceptual history of Asia during the past 2500 years, in several languages and cultural areas, Japan included. He has written on the subject in Japanese アジアの西の境 (国際日本文化研究センター、2000年) and a number of articles in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Dr. Sébastien Lechevalier
Sébastien Lechevalier is an Economist and a Professor at EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in the social Sciences, Paris), specialised in Japanese Economy and Asian Capitalisms. He is also founder and president of the Foundation France Japan de l’EHESS (FFJ). Trained as a labor economist, he has extensively published on various dimensions of the Japanese economy, in comparative perspective, including: "Lessons from the Japanese experience. Towards an alternative economic policy?", (ENS Editions 2016). His book, The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism (Routledge, 2014) was published in three languages and has been cited as one of the most influential ones on the Japanese economy published during the last decade.
Other research interests include innovation (, Springer, 2019), industrial policies ("Financialization and industrial policies in Japan and Korea: Evolving complementarities and loss of state capabilities" in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2019, Vol. 48), and inequalities & redistribution ("Decomposing Preference for Redistribution. Beyond the Trans-Atlantic Perspective", forthcoming).
Dr. Eva Liias
Eva Liias is guest lecturer in Asian business and head of the Contemporary Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, Estonia.
Her background is Japanese studies, Chinese studies, and linguistics from the University of Tübingen and she obtained her PhD from the Berlin Free University in Japanese studies with her PhD thesis looking at Japanese responses to internationalization of higher education. She has also studied at Sophia University and conducted research at the University of Tokyo in Japan. Prior to her PhD studies she worked several years in China, which sparked the interest in analyzing higher education policies and intercultural communication.
Currently, she is doing research on cross-cultural negotiations, trust, and trust-building in business communication, focusing specifically on Japan and Europe/ Estonia, and leading seminars at the University of Tartu on East Asian business communication and Japanese business and economy.
Besides academic work, she does Japan and China-related translations and interpretations. She is also a co-founder of Japan Lifestyle OÜ engaging in export and import between Japan and Estonia. One of the missions is to assist Estonian producers and entrepreneurs to enter the market in Japan, on the other hand to introduce Japanese food products to the Estonian market. This reflects her own passion for Japanese green tea.
Dr. Wrenn Yennie Lindgren
Wrenn Yennie Lindgren is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of Center for Asian Research at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), as well as an Associate Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI).
Her main research interests include: the politics and foreign policy of Japan, foreign policy analysis and legitimation, identity politics, international relations in East Asia and the Indo-Pacific and Asia-Arctic diplomacy.
Wrenn’s peer-reviewed work has appeared in, inter alia, The Pacific Review, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Japanese Journal of Political Science, Asian Perspective, Asian Politics & Policy, Polar Geography and Journal of Eurasian Studies. She co-edited the volume China and Nordic Diplomacy (Routledge, 2018) and contributed chapters on Japan to the volume Kinship in International Relations (Routledge, 2018) and The Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security (Routledge, 2020).
Wrenn holds a PhD in International Relations from Stockholm University and was a Japan Foundation Fellow at Meiji University from 2018-2020 and visiting fellow at Waseda University`s Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies (GSAPS) in Tokyo.
Dr. Paul Midford
Paul Midford is Professor of international relations at Meiji Gakuin University in Yokohama, Japan. He specializes in Japanese foreign and security policies, and East Asian regional politics and security. Midford has published in International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Security Studies, The Pacific Review, Asian Survey, and Japan Forum. He is author of Rethinking Japanese Public Opinion and Security: From Pacifism to Realism? (Stanford University Press, 2011); and Overcoming Isolationism: Japan’s Leadership in East Asian Security Multilateralism (Stanford University Press, 2020). He is co-editor with Wilhelm Vosse, of Japan’s new security partnerships: Beyond the Security Alliance (Manchester University Press, 2018); and New Directions in Japan´s Security: Non-U.S. Centric Evolution (Routledge, 2020). Midford received his doctorate in Political Science from Columbia University in 2001, and previously taught at Kanazawa University, Lafayette College, Kwansei Gakuin University, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. He is a member of EJARN executive committee.
Dr. Richard Nakamura
Richard Nakamura has since the end of 1990’s conducted research on Japanese economy, business and industry, involving primarily longitudinal studies of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) processes in Japan, where productivity and organizational effects have been analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. In 2005, He defended his Ph.D. thesis titled “Motives, Partner Selection and Productivity Effects of M&As: The Pattern of Japanese Mergers and Acquisitions” at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
Currently, he is studying the micro (firm-level) effects of the changing foreign direct investment (FDI) patterns in Japan and the Nordic region, focusing on Japanese and Chinese FDI. He is also studying the effects of Bank of Japan's QE regime on the credit-guarantee scheme for Japanese SMEs.
Besides his research, he is teaching international business, globalization issues, business ethics, applied organization theories, and research methodology at the School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg.
Areas of specialisation: International Business studies, Japanese and East Asian industry and business, FDI, Efficiency effects from M&As on production and organization.
Professor Ian Neary
Ian Neary is an emeritus Fellow of the Nissan Institute and St. Antony's College, Oxford University having retired from his post of Professor in the politics of Japan in the Department of Politics and International Relations in September 2019. He previously taught about Japan at the universities of Huddersfield, Newcastle and Essex, and has been a visiting professor at the universities of Saitama, Fukuoka and Kyushu. He has written on aspects of policymaking in Japan with a focus on the pharmaceutical industry and a comparative study of human rights implementataion in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. In 2010 he published a biography of Matsumoto Jiichiro (1887-1966) a human rights activist, businessman and left-wing politician. He has published a textbook, The State and Politics in Japan (2002, 2nd edition 2019), and a translation of Teraki and Kurokawa's Hisabetsu Buraku no Rekishi (Renaissance Books, 2019) He is currently working on a study of the development and impact of Dowa policy.
E mail:
Dr. Patricia A. Nelson
Patricia A. Nelson, Senior Research Fellow at EIJS, researches and publishes on institutional change and the logic of inter-organizational institutions, foreign direct investment in high technology sectors, government-business relations, and business history. She was awarded a Ph.D. in international political economy with Susan Strange at the University of Warwick. Subsequently, she was awarded post-doctoral fellowships with Social Science Research Council/ Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at Hitotsubashi University and the Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University, and held appointments in the UK and Japan including the University of Edinburgh Business School, Seijo University, and Keio University.
Dr. John Nilsson-Wright
John Nilsson-Wright (formerly Swenson -Wright) is a senior university lecturer at Cambridge University and an official fellow at Darwin College; he also is concurrently senior research fellow for Northeast Asia and Korea Foundation Korea Fellow with the Asia-Pacific Programme at Chatham House. He was head of the Chatham House Asia Programme from March 2014 to October 2016 and is a graduate of Christ Church and St. Antony's College, Oxford and SAIS, Johns Hopkins University. His research focuses on Cold War history and the contemporary international relations of Northeast Aisa, with reference to Japan and the Koreas. He is the author and editor of a number of books including Unequal Allies? United States Security and Alliance Policy Toward Japan 1945-1960 (Standford University Press, 2004); Crisis of Peace and New Leadership in Korea: Lessons of Kim Dae-jung's Legacies (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2014), The Politics and International Relations of Modern Korea (Routledge, 2016) and Global Britain and Proactive Japan: Developing a 21st Century Partnership (Royal Insitute of International Affairs, 2019). His recent articles include Nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula: strategic adaptation, the Abe Administration and extended deterrence in the face of uncertainty, Japan Forum (2018) and Creative Minilateralism in a Changing Asia: Opportunities for Security Convergence and Cooperation between Australia, India, and Japan, Chatham House(2017). His current research focuses on populism and identity politics as a contemporary and historical phenomenon in both Europe and Northeast Asia.
Dr. Maaike Okano-Heijmans
Maaike Okano-Heijmans is a senior research fellow at the Netherlands Institute for International Relations' Clingendael' in The Hague. She is also a visiting lecturer at the University of Leiden, where teaches on 'Non-Western Diplomacy' in the Master of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD). Her main research interests are in connectivity, economic diplomacy and international relations in EU-Asia relations, with a special focus on China and Japan. A key question underlying much of her work is how developments in these fields matter to Europe, the EU and, in particular, to the Netherlands. In addition, since joining Clingendael in 2006 she has worked on consular affairs and diplomacy - also known as 'citizen security' or 'duty of care'. Maaike leads Clingendael's projects on 'Geopolitics, great powers and global governance' for the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense. She is regularly invited speaker at track 1.5 dialogues, think tanks and universities in Europe and Asia. She obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, and holds Master degrees from the University of Amsterdam and Waseda University in Tokyo.
Dr. Paul O’SHEA
Paul O’Shea is Senior Lecturer at the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University. He was awarded Docent by Lund University in 2019. He graduated with a joint PhD from Tohoku University in Japan and the University of Sheffield in the UK, and before moving to Sweden was a lecturer at Aarhus University in Denmark. He was also a post-doctoral fellow at the European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics.
His research focuses on society, politics, and international relations in Japan and the broader East Asian region. Specifically, he has written articles, books, and book chapters, on topics including the US-Japan alliance, international trade, territorial disputes, food security and military bases. He has published research articles in a variety of journals including Asian Security, Pacific Review, Asian Survey, Global Affairs, and Media, War & Conflict.
He recently published a co-authored monograph, Regional Risk and Security in Japan: Whither the Everyday with Glenn Hook of the University of Sheffield and Ra Mason currently at the University of East Anglia, available in hardback and paperback with Routledge. He also recently co-edited volume entitled Risk State: Japan’s Foreign Policy Processes in an Era of Uncertainty also with Routledge.
Dr. Norbert Palanovics
Norbert Palanovics is a Hungarian scholar and Hungary’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Japan. Dr. Palanovics received his PhD degree from Nagoya University, where he researched and taught Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) and peacebuilding policies. He also attended the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) – John Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. as a visiting research associate, where he researched about the U.S.-Japan alliance. Prior to his more than decade long stay in Japan, Dr. Palanovics had worked as a senior lecturer at Mexico’s prestigious private university, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla. His publications in peer-reviewed journals include articles about Japan’s foreign, peace and developed assistance policies as well as about negotiations.
Dr. Palanovics also worked as a Japan and East-Asia correspondent for Hungarian media, and has extensive business experience; he acted as Japan and East-Asia representative and regional manager for one of Hungary’s largest food manufacturing companies between 2008 and 2016.
He was appointed as Ambassador of Hungary to Japan in 2016.
His research interests are Japanese foreign affairs and contemporary Japanese society. He likes food culture, traveling, languages and watching football/soccer (he used to be a referee).
Dr. Giulio Pugliese
Dr. Giulio Pugliese is Departmental Lecturer in Japanese Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford. He specialises in domestic Japanese and international politics, and international economics of the Asia-Pacific with a focus on Japan, China and the United States. He has presented and published on academic, policy-oriented and commercial themes, including in The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Asien, The Australian Journal of International Affairs, East Asian Policy, NATO Defence Strategic Communications, Pacific Affairs, The Pacific Review. He is a regular contributor to Asia Maior, Italy’s leading journal on contemporary Asian affairs. And he co-authored Sino-Japanese Power Politics: Might, Money and Minds (Palgrave MacMillan, 2017, also available in Korean).
He was a Wissenschatflicher Mitarbeiter at the Department of Chinese Studies in Heidelberg University, a Lecturer in War Studies at King’s College London, and a recipient of a British Academy post-doctoral fellowship. He has held visiting scholar positions at GRIPS, the Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at Johns Hopkins University SAIS, and George Washington University.
Dr. Annette Skovsted - Hansen
Annette Skovsted Hansen, PhD, is Associate Professor of Japanese history at Aarhus University, Denmark. She is spokeswoman for the Association of Development Researchers in Denmark (FAU), member of the Consultative Committee for Development Research (FFU) under the Danish Foreign Ministry, and on the editorial committee for Forum for Development Studies. From 1991 to 1998, she worked as international staff in the Department of Public Information at United Nations’ Headquarters in New York City. She holds an MA in Japanese history from Columbia University, New York, and a PhD in History from Copenhagen University, Denmark. She has published articles on language in 19th century Japan and on the cultural history of global alumni networks connected to Japanese private sector foreign aid. Furthermore, she co-edited a Nordic-Japanese volume from Palgrave in 2008, Aid Relationships in Asia: Exploring Ownership in Japanese and Nordic Aid, together with Alf Morten Jerve and Yasutami Shimomura.
Her current research interest is shipping as global history inspired by her Danida funded project on Port Efficiency and Public Private Capacity Development in the Ghanaian port of Tema (PEPP). She just won an International Network Program grant to develop a project on Global Ports and Shipping with researchers at Kobe and Haifa Universities. She also has a book project about the history of the social and cultural dimensions of development assistance, 1947-2017, where she focuses on the strategic outcomes of Japanese Official Development Assistance (ODA) as compared to Danish ODA in terms of channels of communication and networks between alumni whose participation in overseas courses were financed by ODA and their host countries, exemplified by formal alumni societies and the dissemination of newsletters.
Ghana project:
International Network Programme:
Dr. Dick Stegewerns
Dick Stegewerns is Associate Professor at the University of Oslo, where he teaches courses on modern and contemporary Japanese history, international relations, politics, society, culture, and film. At present he conducts research projects on postwar Japanese war films; Japanese views of the outside world; the visualisation of Japanese history in film, manga and anime; the Japanese film director Naruse Mikio; and a postwar global history of the Japanese fermented drink sake. He resided at Nichibunken in 2017-18 as the leader of the collective research project on Tōzai bunmeiron: the Japanese discourse on the dichotomy of Eastern and Western civilization and the related Japanese tendency to give their country a special role in between these two civilizations. His latest publications are ‘From Chinese World Order to Japan's Modern Mindset’, In Kurt Almqvist & Yukiko Duke Bergman (ed.), Japan's Past and Present. Bokförlaget Stolpe, 2020; ‘The Cinematic Reconstruction of East Asia in Postwar Japanese War Films’, In Barak Kushner (ed.), Overcoming Empire in Post-Imperial East Asia. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020; ‘The Three Waves (and Ways) of Sake Appreciation in the West’. In Nancy Stalker (ed.), Devouring Japan – Japanese Cuisine and Foodways, Oxford University Press, 2018.
Professor Cornelia Storz
Cornelia Storz is Professor of Economic Institutions, Innovation and East Asian Development at the Goethe University of Frankfurt. With expertise on comparative institutional analysis, innovation systems and industry emergence, she has carried out research projects supported by the DFG (German Science Foundation), Volkswagen Foundation, BMBF, JSPS and JILPT. She has published books and over 40 articles on innovation and entrepreneurship. Her research focusses on the relation between institutions and innovation, entrepreneurship in new industries, university-industry collaboration, and firm formation activities in emerging industries.
She is a member of executive committee of the European Research Network EJARN.
Dr. Patrik Ström
Patrik Ström is the Director of the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) at Stockholm School of Economics and Associate Professor of Economic Geography. He holds a PhD in Business Administration from Roskilde University, Denmark and an Econ Dr. in Economic Geography from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His research is focusing on the development of the advanced service industry and the transformation of economies that are becoming more service and knowledge based. The primary regional focus has been Japan, South Korea, China and other emerging markets of East Asia, as well as the Single Internal Market for services in the EU. He has also been involved in policy related work for the EU Commission and the EU Parliament. Recent projects involve how the advanced service industry facilitates a green and circular development of the economy in Europe and Asia.
Patrik has prior to joining the EIJS been working at the Department of Business Administration, University of Gothenburg and the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) in Uppsala. Patrik has also been a visiting researcher at Nippon Institute of Technology, Keio University, Stanford University and University of British Columbia.
Dr. Kenji Suzuki
Kenji Suzuki is Dean and Professor at School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University in Tokyo, the Representative Director of Japan Institute of Scandinavian Studies (JISS) and also Senior Research Associate at European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden. After getting LL.B. at Tokyo University and working for a research institute for three years, he went to London School of Economics and got a master’s degree. He then proceeded to University of Warwick where he got PhD in 2000. Meanwhile he moved to Stockholm and became Assistant Professor at European Institute of Japanese Studies. He became Associate Professor in 2004, and started working at Meiji University in 2008. His initial interest was government-industry relations and its impact on the formation of economic policies such as competition policy, financial policy and social policy. He has also studied government-industry relations from the perspective of corporate social responsibility. Currently, however, his main research interest goes in a more sociological direction. He recently focuses on the international comparison of values and ideas and their relations with socio-economic conditions and social institutions.
Professor Marie Söderberg
Marie Söderberg, is Professor at the European Institute of Japanese Studies at Stockholm School of Economics. She has a PhD from Stockholm University in 1986. The title of her thesis was “Japan’s Military Export Policy”. She has published on Japanese Influences in Asia, Japan- China, Japan-South Korea and Japan-North Korea relations. A central focus of her research is Japanese foreign aid policy on which she over the years have done numerous studies of various aspects. Marie Söderberg is the senior editor of the European Institute of Japanese Studies, East Asian Economics and Business Studies, a book series published by Routledge in London and New York. She is also the chairperson of EJARN’s (European Japan Advanced Research Network) executive committee as well as the chairperson of the Swedish Instititue of International Affairs.
Dr. Wilhelm M. Vosse
Wilhelm Vosse is Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo, Japan, where he also served as Director of the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) and Department Chair. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Hanover (Germany) and Lecturer at Keio University (SFC), Tokyo. He held visiting researcher positions at the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies (Harvard University), the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies (University of Oxford), and the Department of Politics and International Studies (The University of Warwick).
His research interests include Japanese foreign and security policy, EU-Japan security relations, and the influence of technology on global security. Recent reseach projects analyzed Japan's new security partnerships and Japan's cooperation with the EU and NATO in counter-piracy missions. Currently, he conducts a research project on cyber diplomay in Japan and Europe. His is co-editor of five books, of which the most recent are Governing insecurity in Japan (Routledge, 2014), Japan's New Security Partnerships (Manchester University Press, 2018), and New Directions in Japan's Security (Routledge, 2020).
Dr. Bryce Wakefield
Bryce Wakefield is national executive director of the Australian Institute of International Affairs. From 2012 to 2018 he was lecturer of Japanese politics and international relations at Leiden University’s Institute for Area Studies. From 2008 to 2012 he was the associate responsible for Northeast Asian programs at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. His recent publications focus on constitutional issues and defense policy in Japan. He has also edited several multi-author publications on Japanese politics and foreign policy, including A Time for Change?: Japan’s “Peace” Constitution at 65 (Woodrow Wilson Center, 2012). His other writings have focused on political marketing and national identity in Japan. His work and views have appeared in such outlets as BusinessWeek, Der Spiegel, Financial Times, and the Washington Times and on CSPAN, as well as in such Japanese outlets as the Daily Yomiuri, NHK, and the Sankei Shimbun. He lived in Japan for six years and has been a visiting associate professor at Keio University in Tokyo. He earned his master’s degree from Osaka University’s School of International Public Policy and his Ph.D. in political studies from the University of Auckland. He was the politics editor for the academic journal Japan Studies.