Design thinking 4 business
Vision and Goal
We aspire to become the international reference point for the community of both professionals and researchers intrigued by Design Thinking and interested in realizing its full potential for their organizations.
The rapid, massive diffusion of Design Thinking in practice can help our economic and social systems become more innovative, human-oriented and sustainable. However, this adoption has not been supported by a robust theoretical development. Existing evidence is mainly anecdotal, characterized by vague definitions, blurred concepts and speculative claims.
We aim to overcome this limitation by using sound research methods to investigate the key principles and practices of Design Thinking, to offer an up-to-date picture of Design Thinking application in the industry, and to invite professionals to collectively reflect on its emerging challenges and future developments.
Planned outcomes
We are currently running a survey to collect data about the approaches adopted by consulting firms, design studies and digital agencies, to provide Design Thinking based services to their clients. The countries being investigated are Sweden, United Kingdom, Italy and The Netherlands.
Key themes addressed in the survey include: the characteristics and diffusion of different Design Thinking approaches; the value generated by them to service providers and their clients; the capabilities and attitudes required by each approach.
The data collected will be analyzed, presented and discussed in a report targeting Design Thinking professionals. For the research community, we plan to edit a book as well as a number of scientific articles.
The partners
Imperial College London (UK):
Politecnico di Milano (Italy):
TU Delft (The Netherlands):
Reykjavik University (Iceland):
Want to know more? Get in touch :)
If you are intrigued by Design Thinking too, if you want to know more about our research and get involved in different ways, please contact us at: