Juggling work and life in the family business 鈥� How to make it work? - 9 May 2025
Members of business families face the challenge of reconciling the family business with their personal life (plans). As early as in young adulthood, next generation family members need to make the consequential life decision of whether or not to join the family business, often facing tensions between devoting their life to the family business and pursuing their own life aspirations. Later on, joining the family business often comes with the challenge of juggling between the new role as a family business leader and family responsibilities at home.
This points to several pressing questions: How can the next generation of family business leaders navigate the challenging interface between the family business and their own private life (plans) across various stages of their lives? And what can the senior generation do to help the next generation integrate the family business into their lives?
This breakfast seminar discusses insights from research and practice on how (future) family business leaders can make the family business and private life fit together in a fruitful way. In the format of a panel discussion, next generation members of successful Swedish business families will share their perspectives on how they personally approach integrating the family business and their private life.
This event is of interest not only to next generation members of family businesses but also to (aspiring) entrepreneurs who wish to learn how to reconcile work and family life, as well as to family business practitioners who wish to learn how to make family businesses ready for the next generation.
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Mateja Andric, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Family Enterprise (House of Innovation, SSE) and at the University of St. Gallen. Mateja’s research focuses on the interface between business owners’ private life and work, including the dynamic interplay between family and entrepreneurship.
Abed Al Saffar, CEO of Ur & Penn. Abed is second-generation entrepreneur and CEO of Ur&Penn, a family-owned retail business with 100+ stores. Focused on building a sustainable business that will thrive for another 80 years.
Hedda Spendrup, Founder of OMAKA. Hedda is the youngest of the fourth generation in the family business, Spendrups Bryggeri. Hedda Spendrup is a brewermaster and started OMAKA bryggeri, a subsidiary of Spendrups, in 2020.
Jennie Lorisson, PhD candidate, Center for Family Enterprise (House of Innovation, SSE).
08:30-09:00 | Pre-seminar mingle and breakfast
09:00-10:00 | Breakfast seminar
- Welcome and introduction by Mattias Nordqvist, Professor and Director Center for Family Enterprise (CFE) and Jennie Lorisson, PhD candidate (CFE).
- Research insights by Mateja Andric, Postdoctoral Researcher (CFE).
- Panel discussion with Abed Al Saffar, CEO of Ur & Penn, Hedda Spendrup, Founder of OMAKA, and Mateja Andric, moderated by Jennie Lorisson.
- Audience Q&A