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Publications with sports data carried out by center members since the start in 2015.


Choudhury, M. M., Moliterno, T. P., Eckardt, R., Morris, S. S., Crocker, A. (2025). Managerial Human Capital and External Mobility: A Signaling Perspective. Journal of Management. (Accepted/In Press). 


Aversa, P., Frankort, H., Hallila, P. (2024). Revving up or backing down? Cross-level effects of firm-level tournaments on employees' competitive actions. Academy of Management Journal. 67(5): 1331-1358.

Carlsson-Wall, M., DeMott, K., Ali, H. (2024). Scaling and controlling talent development in high-intensity organizations: the case of a Swedish football club. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability. 37(2): 480-501. 

Foster, G., O'Reilly, N., Devereux, J., Shundi, M. (2024). General manager and head coach exits in the NBA and in the NFL. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal. 14(1): 1-18. 


Abdourazakou, Y., Abeza, G., Nadeau, J., O'Reilly, N. (2023). Big data in professional sport: the perspective of practitioners in the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL. Journal of Strategic Management. 31(2): 1-21. 

Aversa, P., Fonti, F., Ross, J.-M. (2023). Using Sports Data to Advance Management Research: A Review and a Guide for Future Studies. Journal of Management. 49(1): 325-362. 

Carlsson-Wall, M., Newland, B., et al. (2023). Blockchain and the Sports Tech Dilemma. The Routledge Handbook of Digital Sports Management. (Book Chapter). 

Finch, D. J., Levallet, N., Mikkelsson, A., O'Reilly, N. A dynamic capabilities view of the NBA and esport. (2023). International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. 23(1/2): 62. 

Foster, G., O'Reilly, N. (2023). Sporting Club Stakeholder Alignment: Key Stakeholder Relationships and their Association with On-The-Field and Off-The-Field Performance. Journal of Global Sport Management. 8(1): 183-202.

Hallila, P. (2023). How Does Internal Competition Size Affect Firm Performance When Employees' Tasks are Interdependent? Academy of Management Proceedings. (1): 11376.

Rider, C., Wade, J., Swaminathan, A., Schwab, A. (2023). Racial disparity in leadership: Evidence of valuative bias in the promotions of National Football League coaches. American Journal of Sociology. 129(1): 227-275.


Abeza, G., Finch, D., Lavalett, N., O'Reilly, N. Segmentation of Ticket Holders in Minor League North American Professional Sport. Sports Innovation Journal. 3: 16-29. 

Aversa, P., Bianchi, E., Gaio, L., Nucciarelli, A. (2022). The Grand Tour: The role of catalyzing places for industry emergence. Academy of Management Journal. 65(6):2058-2091. 

Djaballah, M., Hautbois, C., Liu, D. (2022). The Influence of Medium-Scale Host Cities' Image on Mega-Sporting Events: The UEFA Euro 2016. Event Management. 27(1)


Abeza, G., Finch, D., Foster, B., Lavalett, N., Legg, D., Nadeau, J., O'Reilly, N. (2021). Season ticket holder segmentation in professional sports: application of the sports relationship marketing model. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. (Ahead-of-print)

Aversa, P., Bianchi, E., Gaio, L., Nucciarelli, A. The Grand Tour: The role of catalyzing places for industry emergence. Academy of Management Journal, (1,2). (published online). Finalist for the Best Entrepreneurship Paper Award, OMT Division - AOM Annual Meeting 2021. 

Aversa, P., Furnari, S., Jenkins M. 2021. The primordial soup: Exploring the emotional micro-foundations of cluster genesis. Organization Science, (1,2). (published online). 

Aversa, P., Frankort, H., Hallila, P. (2021). The Effect of Interfirm Competition on Intrafirm Competition. Academy of Management Proceedings. (1): 12973. 

Aversa, P., Hallila, P. (2021). Sports Settings in Management Research. Oxford University Press.

Aversa, P., Schreiter, K., Guerrini, F. 2021. The birth of a business icon through cultural branding: Ferrari and the Prancing Horse, 1923-1947. Enterprise and Society. 3(1): 28-58. 

Aversa, P., Formentini, M., Iubatti, D., Lorenzoni, G. 2021. Digital Machines, Space and Time: Towards a Behavioral Perspective of Flexible Manufacturing. Journal of Product Innovation Management, (2). 38(1): 114-141. 

Finch, D., Fody, E., Legg, D., Levallet, N., O'Reilly, N. So you want to work in sports? An exploratory study of sport business employability. Sport, Business and Management. 12(2): 117-134

Foster, G., Naidu, Z., O'Reilly, N. (2021). Playing-Side Analytics in Team Sports: Multiple Directions, Opportunities, and Challenges. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 

Giangrego, A., Piazza, A., Slavich, B., Castellucci, F., Mohadjer, C. (2021). The Role of Celebrity and Status in the Performance-Pay Relationship: Evidence from the 'Big Five' European Football Leagues. M@n@gement. 24(1): 1-16.

Krauss, K. et al. (2021) Budgeting under public scrutiny: tracing the justification work of stakeholder groups in the controversy of an Olympic candidature. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management. 33(2): 207-233


Aversa, P., Formentini, M., Iubatti, D., & Lorenzoni, G. (in press). Digital Machines, Space, And Time: Towards A Behavioral Perspective Of Flexible Manufacturing. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Ertug, G., Maoret, M. (2020). Do coaches in the National Basketball Association actually display racial bias? A replication and extension. (2020). Academy of Management Discoveries. 6(2): 206-234. 


Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Prior, D., Huybers, T., & Mazanov, J. (in press). The impact of scandal on sport consumption: Do different scandal types have different levels of influence on different consumer segments? European Sport Management Quarterly

Abeza, G., Finch, D., O’Reilly, N., MacIntosh, E., & Nadeau, J. (in press). An Integrative Review of the Sport Relationship Marketing Literature: Transforming Insights into Action. Journal of Sport Management.  

Baxter, J., Carlsson-Wall, M., Chua, W.F., & Kraus, K. (2019). Accounting and passionate interests: The case of a Swedish Football Club. Accounting, Organizations and Society, p.21-40.

Baxter, J., Carlsson-Wall, M., Chua, W.F., & Kraus, K. (2019). Accounting for the cost of sports-related violence: A case study of the socio-politics of “the” accounting entity. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol 32, Issue 7, p.1956-1981.

Ertug, G., & Maoret, M. (in press). Do coaches in the National Basketball Association actually display racial bias? A replication and extension, Academy of Management Discoveries.   

Sharapov, D., & Ross, J.-M. (in press). Whom should a leader imitate? Using rivalry-based imitation to manage strategic risk in changing environments. Strategic Management Journal.


Aversa, P., Cabantous, L., & Haefliger, S. (2018). When decision support systems fail: Insights for strategic information systems from Formula 1. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, September, p.221-236. 

Aversa, P., Guillotin, O. (2018). Firm Technological Responses to Regulatory Changes: A Longitudinal Study in The Le Mans Prototype Racing, Research Policy. 47(9): 1655-1673.

Silberzahn, R., Uhlmann, E.L., Martin, D.P., Anselmi, P., Aust, F., Awtrey, E., Bahnik, S., Bai, F., Bannard, C., Bonnier, E., Carlsson, R., Cheung, F., Christensen, G., Clay, R., Craig, M.A., Della Rosa, A., Dam, I., Evans, M.H., Flores Cervantes, I., Fong, N., Gamez-Djokic, M., Glenz, A., Gordon-McKeon, S., Heaton, T.J., Hederos, K., Heene, M., Hofelich Mohr, A.J., Högden, F., Hui, K., Johannesson, M., Kalodimos, J., Kaszubowski, E., Kennedy, D.M., Lei, R., Lindsay, T.A., Liverani, S., Madan, C.R., Molden, D., Molleman, E., Morey, R.D., Mulder, L.B., Nijstad, B.R., Pope, N.G., Pope, B., Prenoveau, J.M., Rink, F., Robusto, E., Roderique, H., Sandberg, A., Schlüter, E., Schönbrodt, F.D., Sherman, M.F., Sommer, S.A., Sotak, K., Spain, S., Spörlein, C., Stafford, T., Stefanutti, L., Tauber, S., Ullrich, J., Vianello, M., Wagenmakers, E-J., Witkowiak, M., Yoon, S., Nosek, B.A. (2018). Many analysts, one data set: making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, p.1-20. 


Aversa, P., Berinato, S. (2017). Sometimes, Less Innovation Is Better. Harvard Business Review (May-June).

Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., & Karlsson, L. (2017). Management control in pulsating organisations - A multiple case study of popular culture events. Management Accounting Research, p.20-34. 


Armenakyan, A., O’Reilly, N., Heslop, L., Nadeau, J., & Lu, I.R.R. (2016). It’s All About My Team: Mega–Sport Events and Consumer Attitudes in a Time Series Approach, Journal of Sport Management, 2016, 30 (6), 597-614.

Carlsson-Wall, M., Kraus, K., & Messner, M. (2016). Performance measurement systems and the enactment of different institutional logics: Insights from a football organization. Management Accounting Research, p.45-61. 

Fonti, F., & Maoret, M. (2016). The direct and indirect effects of core and peripheral social capital on organizational performance. Strategic Management Journal, 37(8): 1765–1786.

Grohsjean, T., Kober, P., & Zucchini, L. (2016). Coming Back to Edmonton: Competing with Former Employers and Colleagues. Academy of Management Journal, 59(2): 59: 394-413.

Nadeau, J., O’Reilly, N., Cakmak, E., Heslop, L. & Verway, S. (2016). The Cameo Effect of Host Country and the Transitory Mega-Event: Patterns of Effect on Sponsorship Evaluation for Sport Tourists and Residents, Journal of Sport Management, 30(6), 656 -671.


Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Seguin, B. & Nzindukiyimana, O. (2015). Social Media Scholarship in Sport Management Research: A Critical Review, Journal of Sport Management, 29(6), 601-618.

Andersson, P. & Nilsson, H. (2015). Do bettors correctly perceive odds? Three studies of how bettors interpret betting odds as probabilistic information. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 28: 331-346. 

Aversa P, Furnari S, Haefliger S. (2015). Business model configurations and performance: A qualitative comparative analysis in Formula One racing, 2005–2013. Industrial and Corporate Change 24(3): 655-676.

Ertug, G. & Castellucci, F. (2015). Who shall get more? How intangible resources and aspiration levels affect the valuation of resource providers, Strategic Organization, 13(1): 6-31.

Marino, A., Aversa, P., Mesquita, L., & Anand, J. (2015). Driving Performance via Exploration in Changing Environments. Evidence from Formula One Racing. Organization Science 26(4): 1079-1100.

O’Reilly, N., & Huybers, T. (2015). Servicing in Sponsorship: A Best-Worst Scaling Empirical Analysis, Journal of Sport Management, 29(2), 153-169.

Ross J-M, Sharapov D, (2015). When the leader follows: Avoiding dethronement through imitation, Academy of Management Journal, Vol:58, p.658-679.