Ongoing research at CMS
Below you find a list of ongoing and past research and PhD projects at the Center of Market Studies. If you are interested in more information about a specific project, please contact the project participants/PhD students directly.
Ongoing research projects (presented alphabetically)
- Born Sustainable Firms – innovations and ecosystems
- Power swapping: embedding the battery swapping model in the Swedish context
- Public procurement as a tool for market development (2024-)
- Relevant market boundaries
- Standing Tall- corporate and societal resilience in an uncertain world (2022-2027)
- Sustainable green gold? Mapping the plurality of value creation logics and agentic change efforts in the market transformation of the Nordic forestry sector (2022-2026)
- Tracing ideas of gender in marketing research and practice
Current PhD students and projects (presented alphabetically)
- Mattias Hjelm: The cynical condition in contemporary market society
- Fairouz Hussien: Disrupted Dynamics: The long-term consequences of market deregulation
- Lixin Lu: The platformisation of cultural production
- Pär Malmberg: Building systemic resilience in a market-based society
- Hadia Nadeem: Towards artificially intelligent procurement
- Sven-Anders Stegare: Towards sustainable procurement
Previous research projects
- Achieving international growth - a longitudinal study of Swedish small and medium sized businesses
- AI as a new strategic imperative (2020-2024)
- DigCon – the digitalisation of consumption (2011-2017)
- Digital transformation and structural changes in the networked society
- Global network evolution
- Hybrid markets – a study of deregulated public transportation markets in Sweden
- Market values? Valuation and price formation in markets for in-patient pharmaceuticals (2016-2023)
- Sincere marketing? How the rise of online influencers redefines commercial and social relations (2019-2024)
- Valuing for innovation? The consequences of value-based assessments of medical devices (2018-2021)
Completed PhD projects (since 2020)