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Recent publications by CMS researchers (2024-2019)


Anzivino, A., Nenonen, S., & Sebastiani, R. (2024) Uncovering the hidden “where” of sustainable service ecosystems: the role of spaces and places, Journal of Service Research, 27(1), 89-105.

As’ad, N., Patricio, L., Koskela-Huotari, K. and Edvardsson, B. (2024) Understanding Service Ecosystem Dynamics: A Typology. Journal of Service Management, 35(6), 159-184.

DeMott, K., Repenning, N., Almersson, F., Chimenti, G., Delfino, G. F., Duenas, N., ... & Xu, X. (2024). Navigating the PhD journey: a collective consideration of junior academics in qualitative accounting and management research. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management.

Koskela-Huotari, K., Svärd, K., Williams, H., Trischler, J. and Wikström, F. (2024) Drivers and Hinderers of (Un)Sustainable Service: A Systems View. Journal of Service Research, 27(1), 106-123.

Hånell, S. M., Tarnovskaya, V., & Tolstoy, D. (2024) MNE innovation in the pursuit of SDGs in emerging markets. International Marketing Review, 41(7), 59-83.

Nenonen, S., Storbacka, K., Sklyar, A., & Kjellberg, H. (2024) Identifying effective market-shaping strategies: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis approach, Industrial Marketing Management, 123, 12-30.

Södergren, J., Ahlberg, O., Hjelm, M. (2024) Marketing and the theatre of the absurd, Marketing Theory, online ahead of print.

Tolstoy, D., Hånell, S. M. & Ghauri P. (2024) Unpacking the role of ethical leadership in the era of values-based marketing. Journal of International Marketing. In press.



Borglund, T., Frostenson, M., Helin, S., & Arbin, K. (2023). The professional logic of sustainability managers: Finding underlying dynamics. Journal of Business Ethics, 182(1), 59-76.

Chimenti, G. (2023). Multiple versions of markets? Exploring market reconfigurations in shared mobility. Consumption Markets & Culture, 1-18.

Chimenti, G., & Geiger, S. (2023). Organizing the Sharing Economy Through Experiments: Framing and taming as onto-epistemological work. Organization Studies, 44(3), 377-400.

Cochoy, F, Hagberg, J & Kjellberg, H. (2023) Fixing Prices: A Century of Setting, Posting and Adjusting Retail Prices. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Hånell, S. M., Tolstoy, D., & Tarnovskaya, V. (2023) Multinationals with a Proactive CSR Approach. In Creating a Sustainable Competitive Position: Ethical Challenges for International Firms. Emerald Publishing Limited, 93-109.

Kjellberg, H, Sjögren, E & Krafve, L. J. (2023) The functions of known to be inaccurate prices in markets: A cross-country comparison of pharmaceutical list pricing. Journal of Business Research, 167, 114193.

Nilsson, J., Murto, R., & Kjellberg, H. (2023) Influencer marketing and the ‘gifted’ product: framing practices and market shaping. Journal of Marketing Management, 39(11-12), 982-1011.

Olesson, E., Nenonen, S. & Newth, J. (2023). Enablers and barriers: The conflicting role of institutional logics in business model change for sustainability, Organization & Environment, 36(2), 228-252.

Tolstoy, D., Melén Hånell, S., & Özbek, N. (2023) Effectual market creation in the cross-border e-commerce of small-and medium-sized enterprises. International Small Business Journal, 41(1), 35-54.

Tolstoy, D., Hånell, S. M., & Tarnovskaya, V. (2023). Ethical Leadership in Sustainable Development: H&M and Water Management. In Creating a Sustainable Competitive Position: Ethical Challenges for International Firms. Emerald Publishing Limited, 111-127.

Vargo, S.L., Peters, L., Kjellberg, H., Koskela-Huotari, K., Nenonen, S., Polese, F., Sarno, D. & Vaughan., C. (2023). Emergence in marketing: an institutional and ecosystem framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 2-22.



Bahar, V., Nenonen, S., & Starr, R. (2022) Coopetition with platforms: Balancing the interplay of cooperation and competition in hospitality. Tourism Management, 88, 104417.

Bahar, V. S., Nenonen, S., & Starr Jr, R. G. (2022) On the same boat but singing a different tune: Coopetition between hotels and platforms close to customers. Industrial Marketing Management, 107, 52-69.

Chimenti, G., & Kjellberg, H. (2022) Mutable mobiles? Making space for an access-based car sharing market.

Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 54(6), 1277-1296.

Frostenson, M., Helin, S., & Arbin, K. (2022). Organizational sustainability identity: Constructing oneself as sustainable. Scandinavian journal of management, 38(3), 101229.

Huang, L., & Nenonen, S. (2022) Challenges of co-creating solution value during solution utilization phase: Insights from three failed projects, Journal of Business Research, 150, 2-11.

Liljenberg, A. (2022). Contextual agility informing market shaping. Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 229-239.

Nenonen, S. (2022) Resurrecting marketing: Focus on the phenomena! Academy of Marketing Science Review, 12, 174-176.

Prenkert, F., Hedvall, K., Hasche, N ... Huang, L., ... & Wagrell, S. (2022). Resource interaction: Key concepts, relations and representations. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 48-59.

Sendlhofer, T., & Tolstoy, D. (2022) How employees shape CSR transparency: A sensemaking perspective. Journal of Business Research, 150, 268-278.

Storbacka, K., Nenonen, S., Peters, L. D., & Brodie, R. J. (2022) Taking stock of shaping strategies: From firms driving markets for business performance to diverse actors shaping systems for sustainability. Industrial Marketing Management, 107, A1-A10.

Tarnovskaya, V., Hånell, S. M., & Tolstoy, D. (2022) Proactive Corporate Sustainability via Social Innovation — A Case Study of the Hennes & Mauritz Grand Challenge in Bangladesh. Sustainability, 14(2), 599.

Tarnovskaya, V., Tolstoy, D., & Melén Hånell, S. (2022) Drivers or passengers? A taxonomy of multinationals’ approaches to corporate social responsibility implementation in developing markets. International Marketing Review, 39(7), 1-24.

Tolstoy, D., Hånell, S. M., & Özbek, N. (2022) Customer reference marketing in internationalizing SMEs: a service perspective. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 37(13), 94-105.

Vink, J., and Koskela-Huotari, K. (2022) Building Reflexivity Using Service Design Methods. Journal of Service Research, 25(3), 371-389.

Özbek, N., Melén Hånell, S., Tolstoy, D., & Rovira Nordman, E. (2022) Exploring different responses to mimetic pressures: an institutional theory perspective on e-commerce adoption of an internationalizing retail SME. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 1-19.



Akaka, M.A., Koskela-Huotari, K. and Vargo, S.L. (2021) Formalizing service-dominant logic as a general theory of markets: taking stock and moving forward. AMS Review, 11(3-4), 375-389.

Arbin, K., Frostenson, M., Helin, S., & Borglund, T. (2021). Explaining workers’ resistance against a health and safety programme: An understanding based on hierarchical and social accountability. Safety science, 136, 105131.

Bahar, V., Nenonen, S., & Starr, R. (2021) From channel integration to platform integration: capabilities required in hospitality. Industrial Marketing Management, 94, 19-40.

Cochoy, F., Hagberg, J., & Kjellberg, H. (2021) Price display technologies and price ceiling policies: governing prices in the WWII and postwar US economy (1940–1953). Socio-Economic Review, 19(1), 133-156.

Davis, M., Lennerfors, T. T., & Tolstoy, D. (2021) Can blockchain-technology fight corruption in MNEs’ operations in emerging markets? Review of International Business and Strategy.

Geiger, S., & Kjellberg, H. (2021) Market mash ups: The process of combinatorial market innovation. Journal of Business Research, 124, 445-457.

Kjellberg, H. Market expertise at work: introducing Alvin E. Roth and Michel Callon. AMS Review. https://rdcu.be/cBwQp

Kjellberg, H & Murto, R. (2021) Theorizing markets. AMS Review. https://rdcu.be/cBwQd

Kleinaltenkamp, M., Nenonen, S., Raithel, S., & Storbacka, K. (2021) Solution business readiness: Measuring and managing across business logics. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 36(7), 1116-1129

Koskela-Huotari, K., Patricio, L., Zhang, J., Karpen, I.O., Sangiorgi, D., Anderson, L., and Bogicevic, V. (2021) Service System Transformation through Service Design: Linking analytical dimensions and service design approaches. Journal of Business Research, 136, 343-355. (AJG3)

Murto, R. (2021). Gender categorisation in representational market practice. Journal of Marketing Management, 37(3-4), 238-265.

Nenonen, S., Fehrer, J., & Brodie, R. (2021) Editorial: JBR special issue on market shaping and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 124, 236-239.

Nenonen, S. & Storbacka, K. (2021) Market‑shaping: navigating multiple theoretical perspective. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 11(3/4), 336-353.

Polese, F., Payne, A., Frow, P., Sarno, D. & Nenonen, S. (2021) Emergence and phase transitions of service ecosystems. Journal of Business Research, 127, 25-34.

Storbacka, K. & Nenonen, S. (2021) Managerial levers of market-shaping strategies: An abductive inquiry. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 31(3), 337-353.

Tolstoy, D., Nordman, E. R., & Vu, U. (2022) The indirect effect of online marketing capabilities on the international performance of e-commerce SMEs. International Business Review, 31(3), 101946.

Tolstoy, D., Nordman, E. R., Hånell, S. M., & Özbek, N. (2021) The development of international e-commerce in retail SMEs: An effectuation perspective. Journal of World Business, 56(3), 101165.

Vink, J., and Koskela-Huotari, K. (2021) Social structures as service design materials. International Journal of Design, 15(3), 29-43.

Vink, J., Koskela-Huotari, K., Tronvoll, B., Edvardsson, B. and Wetter-Edman, K. (2021) Service Ecosystem Design: Propositions, Process Model, and Future Research Agenda. Journal of Service Research, 24(2), 168-186.

Vink, J., Wetter-Edman, K., and Koskela-Huotari, K. (2021) Designerly Approaches to Shaping Social Systems: The Social Structures Approach. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 7(2), 242-261.



Baker, J. & Nenonen, S. (2020). Collaborating to shape markets: Emergent collective market work, Industrial Marketing Management, 85, 240-253.

Bocconcelli, R., Carlborg, P., Harrison, D., Hasche, N., Hedvall, K., & Huang, L. (2020). Resource interaction and resource integration: Similarities, differences, reflections. Industrial Marketing Management, 91, 385-396.

Brodie, R., Nenonen, S., & Storbacka, K. (2020) Guest editorial: Market shaping and systemic innovation. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35(9), 1385-1387.

Chimenti, G. (2020). Conceptual controversies at the boundaries between markets: the case of ridesharing. Consumption Markets & Culture, 23(2), 130-153.

Diaz Ruiz, C. & Kjellberg, H. (2021) Feral segmentation: How cultural intermediaries perform market segmentation in the wild. Marketing Theory. DOI: 10.1177/1470593120920330.

Fehrer, J. & Nenonen, S. (2020) Crowdfunding networks: Structure, dynamics and critical capabilities, Industrial Marketing Management, 88, 449-464.

Fenton, P., Chimenti, G., & Kanda, W. (2020). The role of local government in governance and diffusion of Mobility-as-a-Service: exploring the views of MaaS stakeholders in Stockholm. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63(14), 2554-2576.

Hagberg, J. & Kjellberg, H. (2020) Digitalized markets. Consumption Markets & Culture, 23(2), 97-109. DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2020.1694209.

Hagberg, J., Kjellberg, H., & Cochoy, F. (2020) The role of market devices for price and loyalty strategies in 20th century US grocery stores. Journal of Macromarketing, 40(2), 201-220.

Nenonen, S. & Storbacka, K. (2020), On the marketness of markets and actor clout: market-shaping roles, Journal of Service Management Research, 4(2-3), 170-182.

Kaartemo, V., Nenonen, S., & Windahl, C. (2020). Institutional work by market-shaping public actors, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 30(4/5), 401-435.

Möller, K., Nenonen, S., & Storbacka, K., (2020). Networks, ecosystems, fields, market systems? Making sense of the business environment, Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 380-399.

Nenonen, S., & Storbacka, K. (2020) Don’t adapt, shape! Use crisis to shape your minimum viable system – and the wider market. Industrial Marketing Management, 88, 265-271.

Nenonen, S., Storbacka, K., Sklyar, A., Frow, P., & Payne, A. (2020). Value propositions as market-shaping devices: A qualitative comparative analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 87, 276-290.

Peters, L., Nenonen, S., Polese, F., Frow, P., & Payne, A. (2020). Viability mechanisms in market systems: prerequisites for market shaping. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35(9), 1403-1412.



Cochoy, F, Hagberg, J & Kjellberg, H. (2019) The ethno-graphy of prices: On the fingers of the invisible hand (1922-1947). Organization. DOI: 10.1177/1350508418790142.

Fuentes, C., Hagberg, J & Kjellberg, H. (2019) Soundtracking: music listening practices in the digital age. European Journal of Marketing, 53 (3): 483-503.

Kjellberg, H, Hagberg, J & Cochoy, F. (2019) Thinking Market Infrastructure: Barcode Scanning in the US Grocery Retail Sector, 1967–2010. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 62: 207-32.

Melén Hånell, S., Rovira Nordman, E., Tolstoy D., (2019) Exploring the Prerequisites of long-term survival of innovative SMEs. In The Routledge Companion to European Business.

Melén Hånell, S., Rovira Nordman, E., & Tolstoy, D. (2019). Born Globals or Born Regionals? A Study of 32 Early Internationalizing SMEs. International Business in a VUCA World: The Changing Role of States and Firms (Progress in International Business Research, Vol. 14), Emerald Publishing Limited, 289-308.

Melén Hånell, S., Rovira Nordman, E., Tolstoy, D. & Özbek. (2019,). “It’s a new game out there”: E-Commerce in Internationalizing Retail SMEs. International Marketing Review.

Nenonen, S., Storbacka, K., & Frethey-Bentham, C. (2019). Is your industrial marketing work working? Developing a composite index of market change. Industrial Marketing Management, 80, 251-265.

Nenonen, S., Storbacka, K., & Windahl, C. (2019), Capabilities for market-shaping: triggering and facilitating increased value creation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(4), 617-639.