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Journal articles

Bianchi, M. and Lejarraga, J. (2016). Learning to license technology: The role of experience and workforce’s skills in Spanish manufacturing firms. R&D Management. Vol. 46, S2, 691–705

M?rtensson, P., Fors, U., Wallin, S-B., Zander, U. and Nilsson, G. H. (2016). “Evaluating Research: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessing Research Practice and Quality”, Research Policy, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 593-603.

S?derblom, A., Samuelsson, M. and M?rtensson, P. (2016). “Opening the Black Box: Triggers for Shifts in Business Angels’ Risk Mitigation Strategies within Investments”, Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 211-236.

Bianchi, M., Croce, A., Dell’Era, C., Di Benedetto, C. A., Frattini, F. (2015). Organizing for Inbound Open Innovation: how external consultants and a dedicated R&D unit influence product innovation performance.  Journal of Product Innovation Management.  Vol. 33, S.4, 492-510.

M?rtensson, P. and Richtnér, A. (2015). “What Parameters Do Students Value in Business School Rankings?”, Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 646-658.

Di Minin, A., Frattini, F., Bianchi, M., Bortoluzzi, G., Piccaluga, A. (2014), Die Talentfabrik. Harvard Business Manager, 10/2014, pp. 42 – 50.

Bianchi, M., Frattini, F., Lejarraga, J. and Di Minin, A. (2014). Paths of technology exploitation: combining technological and complementary resources in new product development and licensing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 31, S.1, 146-169.

Pemer, F., Werr, A., Bianchi, M. (2014). Purchasing professional services: Procedures, determinants and consequences of client professionalization, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 43, N. 5, 840 -849.

Di Minin, A., Frattini, F., Bianchi, M., Bortoluzzi, G., Piccaluga, A. (2014), Udinese Calcio Soccer Club as a Talents Factory:  Strategic Agility, Diverging Objectives, and Resource Constraints. European Management Journal, Vol. 32, N. 2, pp. 319 – 336.

Frattini F., Bianchi M., De Massis A., Sikimic U. (2014). The Role of Early Adopters in the Diffusion of New Products: Differences Between Platform and Non-Platform Innovations. Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 31, N. 3, pp. 468 – 488.

Richtnér, A. and M. Axelson (2014). Reaping the benefits: Mechanisms for Knowledge Transfer in Product Development Collaboration. International Journal of Innovation Management. Forthcoming.

Richtnér, A. and P. ?hlstr?m (2014). Interacting with Customers for Knowledge Creation. Kindai Management Review. Forthcoming.

Richtnér, A. and H. L?fsten (2014). Managing in Turbulence: How the Capacity fo Resilience Influence Creativity. R&D Management. Forthcoming.

Frishammar, J., U. Lichtenthaler and A. Richtnér (2013). Towards a Process Definition: Key Dimensions and a Conceptualization for Improving Process Development. R&D Management, Vol. 43 (No. 3): pp. 213-226.

Kotlar J., De Massis A., Frattini F., Bianchi M., Fang H. (2013). Technology Acquisition in Family and Non-Family Firms: a longitudinal analysis of Spanish manufacturing firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 30, N. 6, pp.  1073–1088 (Among JPIM’s Top Cited Articles Published in 2013 and 2014)

Persson, Magnus & ?hlstr?m, P?r (2013), “Product modularization and organizational coordination”, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, Vol. 13, No. 1.

Malmbrandt, Malin & ?hlstr?m, P?r (2013), “An Instrument for Assessing lean service adoption”,  International Journal of Operations and Production Management,Vol. 33 No. 9, pp. 1131-1165

Dabhilkar, Mandar & ?hlstr?m, P?r (2013), “ Converging production paradigms: The STS versus Lean Production debate revisited”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 1019-1039.

Brattstr?m, A., Richtnér, A. (Forthcoming). Good Cop – Bad Cop: Trust, Control and the Lure of Integration, Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Richtnér, A., P. ?hlstr?m and K. Goffin (Forthcoming). Squeezing R&D”: A study of organizational slack and knowledge creation in NPD, using the SECI model. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Bianchi, M., Frattini, F., Lejarraga, J. and Di Minin, A. (Forthcoming). Paths of technology exploitation: combining technological and complementary resources in new product development and licensing, Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Di Minin, A., Frattini, F., Bianchi, M., Bortoluzzi, G., Piccaluga, A. (Forthcoming), Udinese Calcio Soccer Club as a Talents Factory:  Strategic Agility, Diverging Objectives, and Resource Constraints. European Management Journal.

Frattini F., Bianchi M., De Massis A., Sikimic U. (Forthcoming).  The Role of Early Adopters in the Diffusion of New Products: Differences Between Platform and Non-Platform Innovations. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Kotlar J., De Massis A., Frattini F., Bianchi M., Fang H. (Forthcoming). Technology Acquisition in Family and Non-Family Firms: a longitudinal analysis of Spanish manufacturing firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Sk?ld, M. / Karlsson, C. (2013): Forms of innovation openness in global automotive groups, International journal of automotive technology and management, Volume 19 (1), S. 1-18.

Lewis, M. / M?rtensson, P. / Yalabik, B. (2012): Implementing advanced service technology in the public sector: an exploratory study of the relevance and limitations of insights from private sector manufacturing technology implementation, Production Planning and Control, S. 1-5.

Brattstrom, A / Lofsten, H / Richtner, A (2012): Creativity, trust and systematic processes in product development, Research Policy, Volume 41 (4), S. 743-755.

Richtnér, A. (2012): Exploring knowledge creation in the business world, International Innovation (June), S. 28-30.

Keil, M. / M?hring, M. (2012): 你的项目正变成黑洞?” (Is Your Project Turning into a Black Hole?), CEIBS Business Review, S. 46-51.

Kosuge, R. / Modig, N. / ?hlstr?m, P. (2012): Services: Lessons from Toyota, Lean Management Journal, Volume 2 (5), S. 7-11.

Skold, M / Karlsson, C (2012): Product platform replacements: challenges to managers, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Volume 32 (5-6), S. 746-766.

Skold, M / Karlsson, C (2012): Technology Sharing in Manufacturing Business Groups, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Volume 29 (1), S. 113-124.

Sk?ld, M. / Pasche, M. (2012): Potential drawbacks of component commonality in product platform development, International journal of automotive technology and management, Volume 12 (1), S. 92-108.

Bianchi, M. / Di Minin, A. (2011): Safe nests in global nets: Internationalization and appropriability of R & D in wireless telecom, Journal of international business studies, Volume 42 (7), S. 910-934.

Bianchi, M. / Chiesa, V. / Frattini, F. (2011): Selling technological knowledge: Managing the complexities of technology transactions, Research Technology Management, Volume 54 (2), S. 18-26.

Bianchi, M. / Chiaroni, D. / Chiesa, V. / Frattini, F. (2011): Exploring the role of human resources in technology licensing: an empirical analysis of biotech new technology based firms, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Volume 23 (8), S. 825 - 849.

Bianchi, M. / Chiaroni, D. / Chiesa, V. / Frattini, F. (2011): Organizing for External Technology Commercialization: evidence from a multiple case study in the pharmaceutical industry, R and D Management, Volume 41 (2), S. 120 - 137.

Bianchi, M. / Di Minin, A. / Frattini, F. (2011): Towards a phenotype of the amphibious company: an illustrative case from the chemical industry, Journal of Business Chemistry, Volume 8 (1), S. 5-16.

Bianchi, M. / Cavaliere, A. / Chiaroni, D. / Chiesa, V. / Frattini, F. (2011): Organisational modes for Open Innovation in the bio-pharmaceutical industry: an exploratory analysis, Technovation, Volume 31 (1), S. 22-33.
Axelson, M. (2011): Leverant?rsf?retaget - s? kan de bli innovationspartner, Management of Innovation and Technology, Volume 4.

Oredsson, S.; Jonsson, H.; Rognes, J. et.al. (2011).  A systematic review of triage-related interventions to improve patient flow in emergency departments.  Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:43

Lychnell, L. (2011): An event-based approach for the “intermediate step” in process studies of IT-related organizational change, Systems, Signs and Actions, Volume 5 (1), S. 84-99.

Bianchi, M. / Campodall’Orto, S. / Frattini, F. / Vercesi, P. (2010): Enabling Open Innovation in SMEs: How to Find Alternative Applications for Your Technologies, R and D Management, Volume 40 (4), S. 463-480.

Richtner, A / Ahlstrom, P (2010): Organizational Slack and Knowledge Creation in Product Development Projects: The Role of Project Deliverables, Creativity and Innovation Management, Volume 19 (4), S. 428-437.

Richtner, A / Ahlstrom, P (2010): Top management control and knowledge creation in new product development, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Volume 30 (9-10), S. 1006-1031.

Richtnér, A. / ?hlstr?m, P. (2010): Organizational Slack and Innovation: The Role of Project Deliverables, Creativity and Innovation Management, Volume 19 (4), S. 428-437.

Keil, M / Mahring, M (2010): Is Your Project Turning into a Black Hole?, CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, Volume 53 (1), S. 6-+.

Keil, M. / M?hring, M. (2010): ?r ditt IT-projekt p? v?g att bli ett svart h?l?, CIO Sweden, S. 28-33.

Richtner, A / Ahlstrom, P (2010): Organizational Slack and Knowledge Creation in Product Development Projects: The Role of Project Deliverables, Creativity and Innovation Management, Volume 19 (4), S. 428-437.

Richtner, A / Ahlstrom, P (2010): Top management control and knowledge creation in new product development, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Volume 30 (9-10), S. 1006-1031.

Richtnér, A. / ?hlstr?m, P. (2010): Organizational Slack and Innovation: The Role of Project Deliverables, Creativity and Innovation Management, Volume 19 (4), S. 428-437.

Richtnér, A. / S?dergren, B. (2009): Ledning av innovationsprojekt, Management of Innovation and Technology (2), S. 5-6.

Axelson, M. (2009): Att m?jligg?ra kunskapskommunikation, Management of Innovation and Technology, Volume 1.

Bianchi, M. / Chiesa, V. / Frattini, F. (2009): Exploring the microfoundations of External Technology Commercialization: a dynamic capabilities perspective, European Journal of Innovation Management, Volume 12 (4), S. 444-469.

Flynn, D / Pan, G / Keil, M / Mahring, M (2009): De-escalating IT Projects: The DMM Model, Communications of the ACM, Volume 52 (10), S. 131-134.

Bharadwaj, A / Keil, M / Mahring, M (2009): Effects of information technology failures on the market value of firms, JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Volume 18 (2), S. 66-79.

Bharadwaj, A. / Keil, M. / M?hring, M. (2009): The Effects of Information Technology Failures on the Market Value of Firms, JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Volume 18 (2), S. 66-79.

Kosuge, R. / ?hlstr?m, P. / Modig, N. (2009): The logic of lean service, Soshiki Kagaku, Volume 42 (4), S. 50-61.

Moses, A. / ?hlstr?m, P. (2009): Nature of functional involvement in make or buy decision processes, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Volume 29 (9), S. 894-920.

Dabhilkar, M. / Bengtsson, K. / von Haartman, R. / ?hlstr?m, P. (2009): Supplier selection or collaboration? Determining factors of performance improvement when outsourcing manufacturing, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Volume 15, S. 143-153.

Richtnér, A. / S?dergren, B. (2008): Innovation projects need resilience, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, Volume 4 (3), S. 257-275..

Richtnér, A. / Rognes, J. (2008): Organizing R&D in a global environment: Increasing dispersed co-operation versus continuous centralization, European Journal of Innovation Management, Volume 11 (1), S. 125-141.

Frishammar, J. / Richtnér, A. (2008): Managing for making a difference: transactions on information and knowledge in new product development, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, Volume 4 (3), S. 229-234.

Lychnell, L. (2008): Landar med Lean - Nu tar Unibets CIO japanska trenden till IT .

Lychnell, L. (2008): Vi f?r den IT vi f?rtj?nar.

M?hring, M. / M?rtensson, P. / Lundeberg, M. (2008): Att dra nytta av IT i verksamheten, Volume 4 (4), S. 49-52.

Mahring, M / Keil, M (2008): Information Technology Project Escalation: A Process Model, Decision Sciences, Volume 39 (2), S. 239-272.

Melian, C / Mahring, M (2008): Lost and gained in translation: Adoption of open source software development at Hewlett-Packard, OPEN SOURCE DEVELOPMENT, COMMUNITIES AND QUALITY, Volume 275, S. 93-104.

Mahring, M / Keil, M / Mathiassen, L / Pries-Heje, J (2008): Making IT project de-escalation happen: An exploration into key roles, JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Volume 9 (8), S. 462-496.

M?hring, M. / Melian, C. (2008): Lost in translation? Appropriation of open source software development at Hewlett-Packard, Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting: The Questions We Ask, AOM 2008.

M?hring, M. / M?rtensson, P. / Lundeberg, M. (2008): Att dra nytta av IT i verksamheten, Volume 4 (4), S. 49-52.

M?hring, M. (2008): P? h?gsta niv?: IT-styrning p? styrelsebordet, CIO Sweden, S. 38-41.

Melian, C. / M?hring, M. (2008): Lost and Gained in Translation: Adoption of Open Source Software Development at Hewlett-Packard, OPEN SOURCE DEVELOPMENT, COMMUNITIES AND QUALITY, Volume 275.

Moses, A. / ?hlstr?m, P. (2008): Problems in Cross-functional Sourcing Decision Processes, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Volume 14 (2), S. 87-99.

Moses, A. / ?hlstr?m, P. (2008): Dimensions of change in make or buy decision processes, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, Volume 1 (3), S. 230-251.

Bianchi, M. (2006). Open Innovation: La strategia vincente per PMI innovative, Innovare - la sfida della piccola e media impresa: rivista trimestrale di informazione tecnico-scientifica. Editrice L'ammonitore: Varese , Anno VII, n. 4, pp. 48-50.


Bild, M. and M?rtensson, P. (2016). Ordspr?ksekonomi (Management by Proverbs), Upnose f?rlag, Stockholm, Sweden.

Bianchi, M. and Piccaluga, A. (eds.) (2012). La sfida del trasferimento tecnologico: le università italiane si raccontano. Springer: Milano, IT. ISBN 978-88-470-1976-8

Modig, N. / ?hlstr?m, P. (2012): Detta ?r lean : l?sningen p? effektivitetsparadoxen: Stockholm School of Economics.

Winberg, H; Rognes J; Helgesson, C F. (2009) Leading Health Care - Organizing healthcare for greater value, Stockholm, EFI f?rlag.

Edited books

M?rtensson, P. / Lychnell, L. / Frelin, J. (2013): Perspektiv p? f?r?ndring: om en f?r?ndringsresa p? Sveriges Television.

Richtnér, A. / Frishammar, J. (2012): Innovationsledning och kreativitet i svenska f?retag.

Bianchi, M. / Piccaluga, A. (2012): La sfida del trasferimento Tecnologico: le Universita italiane si raccontano.

?hlstr?m, P. (2011): Executives and technology : essays in honour of Christer Karlsson.

M?rtensson, P. / M?hring, M. (2010): M?nster som ger avtryck – Perspektiv p? verksamhetsutveckling, En v?nbok till professor Mats Lundeberg.

?hlstr?m, P. (2010): Verksamhetsutveckling i v?rldsklass.

M?rtensson, P. / Nilsson, K. / Bild, M. (2008): Teaching and Learning at Business Schools: Transforming Business Education.

Book chapters

Bianchi, M., Chiaroni, D., Frattini, F. and Minola, T. (2013).  A dynamic capability view on the determinants of superior performance in university technology transfer offices. In Welter, F., Blackburn, B., Ljunggren, E. and ?mo, B.W. (eds), Entrepreneurial, Business and Society. Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, pp. 101 – 123. ISBN: 9781782546016.

Bianchi, M. / Boscherini, L. / Chiaroni, D. / Chiesa, V. / Frattini, F. (2012): Collaborations for Innovation in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry: An Exploratory Analysis on the Role of Platform Biotech Firms, in: Pharmacoinformatics and Drug Discovery Technologies: Theories and Applications: Idea Group.

Bianchi, M. / Piccaluga, A. (2012): Conclusioni, in: La sfida del trasferimento Tecnologico: le Universita italiane si raccontano: Springer.

Bianchi, M. / Conti, G. (2012): I primi dieci anni di trasferimento tecnologico al Politecnico di Milano, in: La sfida del trasferimento Tecnologico: le Universita italiane si raccontano: Springer.

Bianchi, M. (2012): Le risorse umane nel trasferimento tecnologico pubblico-privato, in: La sfida del trasferimento Tecnologico: le Universita italiane si raccontano: Springer.

Bianchi, M. / Piccaluga, A. (2012): Introduzione, in: La sfida del trasferimento Tecnologico: le Universita italiane si raccontano: Springer.

Richtnér, A. / S?dergren, B. / Brattstr?m, A. (2012): Ledning av innovation: att hantera balansg?ngen mellan effektivitet och kreativitet, in: Innovationsledning och kreativitet i svenska f?retag: Stiftelsen IMIT - Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology & VINNOVA.

M?rtensson, P., Lychnell, L.-O., & Frelin, J. (2013a). Perspektiv p? f?r?ndringsledarskap. In P. M?rtensson, L.-O. Lychnell & J. Frelin (Eds.), Perspektiv p? f?r?ndring (pp. 7-11). Stockholm: Stockholm School of Economics Institut of Reasearch (SIR).

M?rtensson, P., Lychnell, L.-O., & Frelin, J. (2013b). Vad har vi l?rt oss om f?r?ndringsledarskap? In P. M?rtensson, L.-O. Lychnell & J. Frelin (Eds.), Perspektiv p? f?r?ndring (pp. 257-267). Stockholm: Stockholm School of Economics Institut of Reasearch (SIR).

Axelson, M. (2011): Leverant?rsf?retaget som innovationspartner, in: Morgondagens industri : att s?tta spelregler och flytta gr?nser: Studentlitteratur.

Axelson, M. (2011): Integrating for Open Innovation, in: Executives and technology : essays in honour of Christer Karlsson.

Johansson, M. / Axelson, M. / Enberg, C. / Tell, F. (2011): Knowledge Integration in Inter-firm R&D Collaboration, in: Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-Based Firms: Oxford University Press, S. 148-169.

Richtnér, A. (2011): Becoming a supervisor: Christer as a source of inspiration, in: Executives and technology : essays in honour of Christer Karlsson: European institute for advanced studies in management (EIASM).

Axelson, M. (2010): ?ppen innovation i praktiken, in: Verksamhetsutveckling i v?rldsklass: Studentlitteratur.

Rognes J. (2010) Outsourcing av tj?nster, in Verksamhetsutveckling i v?rldsklass, P?r ?hlstr?m (red.), Studentlitteratur, Stockholm Sweden

M?rtensson, P. / Lychnell, L. (2010): ULV - Utveckling av Ledare och Verksamheter , in: M?nster som ger avtryck – Perspektiv p? verksamhetsutveckling, En v?nbok till professor Mats Lundeberg: Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI).

M?rtensson, P. / Lychnell, L. (2010): ULV - Utveckling av Ledare och Verksamheter , in: M?nster som ger avtryck – Perspektiv p? verksamhetsutveckling, En v?nbok till professor Mats Lundeberg: Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI).

M?rtensson, P. / M?hring, M. (2010): Olika perspektiv p? samma fenomen - Ett antal r?ster om Mats Lundeberg, in: M?nster som ger avtryck – Perspektiv p? verksamhetsutveckling, En v?nbok till professor Mats Lundeberg: Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI).

M?rtensson, P. / M?hring, M. (2010): Olika perspektiv p? samma fenomen - Ett antal r?ster om Mats Lundeberg, in: M?nster som ger avtryck – Perspektiv p? verksamhetsutveckling, En v?nbok till professor Mats Lundeberg: Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI).

?hlstr?m, P. (2010): Om processers betydelse f?r verksamhetsutveckling i v?rldsklass, in: Verksamhetsutveckling i v?rldsklass: Studentlitteratur.

Richtnér, A. (2010): S? f?rst?r och utvecklar du ditt f?retags aff?rsmodell, in: Verksamhetsutveckling i v?rldsklass: Studentlitteratur, S. 37-50.

Ryusuke Kosuge (2010). Ett nytt perspektiv p? standardiseringens roll inom tj?nster: L?rdomar fr?n Toyota i Japan. In P. Ahlstrom (Ed.), Verksamhetsutveckling i v?rldsklass (pp. 209-224). Studentlitteratur, Lund.

M?hring, M. / K?llberg, N. (2009): IT in Healthcare: Eternal Promise and Everyday Curse, in: Leading Health Care – Organizing healthcare for greater value: EFI.

Bild, M. / M?rtensson, P. (2008): Learning Styles as Vehicles for Pedagogical Development, in: Teaching and Learning at Business Schools: Transforming Business Education: Gower Publishing Ltd.

M?rtensson, P. / Bild, M. / Nilsson, K. (2008): Pedagogical Leadership: Experiences from Three European Business Schools - Interviews with Marie Laure Djelic, Landis Gabel and Andrea Sironi, in: Teaching and Learning at Business Schools: Transforming Business Education: Gower Publishing Ltd.

M?rtensson, P. / Lewis, M. (2008): Individual Professional Development Coaching, in: Teaching and Learning at Business Schools: Transforming Business Education: Gower Publishing Ltd.

M?rtensson, P. / M?hring, M. (2008): N?r Verksamhetsutveckling kom till Handelsh?gskolan, in: M?nster som ger avtryck – Perspektiv p? verksamhetsutveckling, En v?nbok till professor Mats Lundeberg: Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI).

M?rtensson, P. / M?hring, M. (2008): N?r Verksamhetsutveckling kom till Handelsh?gskolan, in: M?nster som ger avtryck – Perspektiv p? verksamhetsutveckling, En v?nbok till professor Mats Lundeberg: Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI).

M?hring, M. / K?llberg, N. (2008): IT i sjukv?rden: Evigt l?fte och daglig f?rbannelse, in: Detta borde v?rddebatten handla om: EFI.

?hlstr?m, P. / Karlsson, C. (2008): Longitudinal Field Studies, in: Researching Operations Management: Routledge.

Conference papers

Lychnell, L. (2016a). Corporate mindfulness as embodied practice: An empirical study of the emergence of mindfulness-related organizational phenomena. Short Paper accepted to the 2016 European Group for Organizational Studies 7-9 July. Neaples, Italy.

Lychnell, L. (2016b). From doing good to being true: a process study of how meditating managers enact nondual experiences in their working lives. Abstract Accepted to the Eight International Symposium on Process Organization Studies 16-18 June. Corfu, Greece.

Lychnell, L. (In press). When work becomes meditation: how managers use work as a tool for personal growth. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion.

Lychnell, L., & M?rtensson, P. (2016). Straight From the Heart: Using Clinical Inquiry to Research Management Spirituality. Paper presented at the Paper Accepted to The Academy of Management Meeting 5-9 August, 2016, Anaheim, CA.