Previous projects
Leading in times of Covid-19.
Key works: real time experience leaders, pandemic, Covid-19.
Researchers: Pernilla Petrelius Karlberg, Ingalill Holmberg and Pernilla Bolander.
Responsible global business: norms, ideas and evolving leadership practices.
Researchers: Pernilla Petrelius Karlberg, Ingalill Holmberg, and Anna Romberg.
Leading Cultural Diversity Ethically.
Researchers: Laurence Romani, , , , Katharina Pilhofer, and Julie Lorenzen.
The hidden side of Cross-Cultural Management.
Researchers: Laurence Romani, and
Ideals and conceptions of leadership in contemporary organizations.
Researchers: Ingalill Holmberg and Cecilia Åkerblom.
Process of inclusion and exclusion in the information society.
Researcher: .
Swedish culture, leadership and organizational practices in an international perspective.
Researchers: Ingalill Holmberg and .