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Research @ CDA

Here you will find a selection of some research published at the Center for Data Analytics. For a complete list of publications since 2018, please see the House of Innovations publications page.

CDA offers a stimulating and exciting research environment, and examples of current research topics are (most of them are part of research projects with external funding):

Text and Number Analysis; Consumer Behavior in News Media; Applied and Theoretical Econometrics; Quality of Data; Discrete Events Stochastic Simulation; Measuring Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and CSR

CDA are also running several research projects (see the link on left-hand side), and has several research collaborations with other institutions as well as with the Swedish industry (including commissioned). CDA seeks continuously for new collaborations and joint projects.

As a research engine for CDA, the Center for Forecasting and Data Analytics (CFDA) is started (see the link on left-hand side). CFDA is a center at the Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR).

CDA has an excellent record of research, with publications in journals such as (example publications can be found via the link on left-hand side):

Biometrika; Econometrica; Econometrics Journal; Econometric Reviews; Econometric Theory; Harvard Business Review; Informatica; Issues in Information Systems; International Journal of Forecasting; Journal of Econometrics; Journal of Time Series Analysis; Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

Here you will find a selection of some research published at the Center for Data Analytics. For a complete list of publications since 2018, please see the House of Innovations publications page.



  • Fröberg, E., & Halling, M. (2021). The Unbundling of Mutual Funds’ Trading and Research Commissions: Have Investors Benefited? (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 3892441). Social Science Research Network.


  • Barrow, D., Kourentzes, N., Sandberg, R., & Niklewski, J. (2020). Automatic robust estimation for exponential smoothing: Perspectives from statistics and machine learning. Expert Systems with Applications, 160, 113637.
  • Fröberg, E., & Rosengren, S. (2020). Man(ager Heuristics) vs. Machine (Learning): Automation for Prediction of Customer Value for Brick-and-Mortar Retailers (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 3772725). Social Science Research Network.


  • Mårtensson, P., Fors, U., Fröberg, E., Zander, U., & Nilsson, G. H. (2019). Quality of Research Practice – An interdisciplinary face validity evaluation of a quality model. PLOS ONE, 14(2), e0211636.